
What are some stratagies that will help me to be more creative with my life?

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What are some stratagies that will help me to be more creative with my life?




  1. Start with good spelling.  The word is "strategies".

  2. make time to intentionally be creative.  what do you do?  is it performance art?  singing?  painting?  writing?  i think it would be easier to answer if I knew what kind of creativity you were trying to spearhead.

  3. do things that you ususally never do

  4. There is a new movement that is slowly taking up steam. It pushes that you save one hour of each day and specifically devote it to doing something creative. You didn't specify in your question what kind of things you do already, so if it is a discipline like writing or drawing than my suggestion is a bit easier to do. Another help might be to carry with you a journal that you could use to write down any ideas that you get at any moment. You'd be pretty surprised when the brain gets inspired.

  5. For everyone, it is important to understand who and what we, as humans, really "are".  As one sage person once said, we are spirits, in essence, having a physical experience.  This is important to realize, because the highest levels of creativity, come from your "soul level", and not from your left brain, that's for sure.

    While your left brain might be appropriate for carrying out certain techniques for creating the artwork, for example, it's the soul and intuition that receive and transmit the inspiration.

    Thus, the question is :  how to best be in touch with the soul level?  The traditional answer is via meditation, yoga, tai chi, chi kung , healthy living, including regular exercise, etc.   All (or some of  these as you see fit)  will balance out and calm your being and "internal energy".  Then you will be much better in touch with hearing your soul's suggestions  Always works.  Good luck  !!

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