
What are some stretches that can improve my high kick?

by  |  earlier

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i can almost do middle splits and I'm still not very good at front splits if that helps.




  1. hold yourself up by your arms and your legs in a stratle and tuck your but in and that stretches where your high kick power comes from

  2. do the butterfly!

  3. Well your split is your high kick on the ground. Try doing a lot of lunges, but you should do it a little bit one day then the next do it a little more and next day a little more...etc. But make sure you do it everyday so you are training your muscles to stretch. Don't worry! As long as you do lunges and splits while breathing, you will get there. Also do kicks and watch your own improvement!

    ~Hope this helps!~

  4. here are two stretches, they are kind of similar:


    -lay flat on your back  

    -put your leg straight up in the air

    -grab it and pull it towards you (laying on your back)

    -if you can only get it straight up, just pull it a little bit

    -hold for 30+ seconds

    -repeat for other leg

    (point your toes!)


    - sit indian style

    -straighten one leg

    -grab your ankle with the same hand as leg

    -pull your leg up (without bending it). Support your leg by putting your other hand on you calf

    -pull your leg  up as high/ as straight as you can

    ***be sure to keep your hip/butt on the ground. DON"T LIFT IT Up!***

    -hold it for 30+ seconds

    -repeat with the other leg

    (this also helps with leg holds)

    Just do a lot of hamstring stretches and practice the kicks. I know eventually you will get it.

    try this too

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