
What are some studying methods?

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this year i have to get really serious about my work. i want to get all As and Bs. what are some studying methods i should use. im really bad at tests and my homework is good. what are some things i should use to study for tests. im going into 8th grade




  1. When I was a kid, many many years ago, I use to remember the formulas or points by noting  beginning alphabet of each point/formula and then form suitable word with that alphabet, then form a sentence with those words. If you divide a circle into 4 quadrants, All (A) Sign, Cosign, Tangent etc (angles) in the 1st quadrant are +(ve);  in 2nd quadrant, only Sign (S) +; in 3rd quadrant, only Tangent (T) +; in 4th Quadrant, only Cosign(C) +. We have alphabets, A, S, T, C. Try form words and sentence. For me, A (All), S(Students), T(Take), C(Candies). All Student Take Candies. If you know which is positive(+), rest is negative(-). Try it with other subjects.

  2. i loved 8th grade personally

    try to study the day the test/quiz review is given

    try to have a quiet surroundings

    be organized with your notes{{sometimes teachers will allow you to use NOTES during a test or quiz}}

    no TV OR RADIO!!!!!!

    listen in class

    dont tune the teacher out even if it is boring..your going to need it for the final.and your teachers for 9th grade will go over it during the first semester.

    do all{majority} of your homework

    and most importantly have fun!

    im sure you can pull in a 3.0 or higher

    good luck :)

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