
What are some supernatural things people can do?

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I was wondering what things that us as humans can do what we think is impossible to do?




  1. To do 'supernatural' things, one has to be "Supernatural" !

    And as humans are only natural creatures, we can only do 'natural' things. !



  2. Love when there is every reason to fear.

    Have faith when there is every reason to lose hope and despair.

    Show compassion where there is every reason to hate.

    Forgive when there is every human reason for anger.

    Try when there is every reason to give up.

    And many more I suppose.  

    Natural people do supernatural things all the time around you.  Remember the line in the movie Hook where Peter Pans wife tells Peter about his kids and his family "You are missing it.".


  3. There are no supernatural things that people can do.

    There are no supernatural things at all.

  4. If it is within the realm of reason it no longer qualifies as "supernatural" thus, the supernatural doesn't exist.

  5. Here is the complete list:

    -- End of list.  Enjoy!

  6. I think the answer of your1star to be extremely enlightening regarding the origins of religion and spirituality.

  7. I've tried shrooms once and it was the single most spiritual experience i've ever had. I trully think that shrooms are more than just a drug, they are a portal into a different world. Anything is possibe, all you have to do is strongly believe in it, and I mean STRONGLY. I don't think that anyone on this earth is possible of doing that., but it's possible.

  8. nothing

    humans can not do supernatural things

  9. I can stand on one foot.

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