
What are some techniques in finding a ghost?

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I live in a very, very old house. A year or so back something woke my dad up and it happened to be a ghost. he walked towards it and it stepped back. he saw that ghost twice. It looked to be about 18 years old, and had features of a teenager. Two nights back we saw something else, very different. I woke up to a loud yell at about 4 30 am. looking out my doorway there was someone or something standing there. i looked at it trying to figure out if im just seeing things and when i turned on the light there was nothing there. I was not scared too much, just a bit startled. when i woke up the next morning i asked my dad what the ghost was wearing when he saw it a few months back. he told me he couldn't make that part out too well, just an outline. He asked if i saw something with a light brown shirt and seemed to be tall...thats exactly what i saw. he saw it kneeling next to his bed and he yelled at it. although thats not the yell that woke me up.




  1. You can't find a Ghost.

    They choose or are trapped

    where ever they appear.

    Your story was very interesting,

    Never show fear,

    Turn on the light or make sudden movement.

    Try to communicate with thought,

    If your unexplained guest appears again,

    He/she is asking for help or trying to pass over.

    In order for this to happen you must gain total

    trust from your friend.  Remember, Fear is Only

    an Emotion, That only you can control!

  2. call his name


    true tales

  4. Are you open-minded to the possibility the experiences you describe have nothing to do with ghosts and everything to do with dreaming?

    To answer your question, no one has found any instrument that can be used to definitively detect the presence of a ghost.  The best way to perceive a ghost is to go to a place that is spooky or would seem to be haunted (i.e. attic or basement) and to create a situation where natural stimuli can be misinterpreted as ghosts (i.e. turning out the lights).  You can also use instruments (i.e. EMF detector) for something other than their intended purpose to find what to you appears to be an anomaly.  Then declare anything that doesn't seem right to you to be indication of a ghostly presence.

  5. Just wait, it'll either show up again or it won't. There's several different kinds of hauntings - you could look them up on google. The gap of about a year makes me think it's not a residual haunting - aka not a spirit that repeats it's actions in a predictable pattern. If it does appear again, before turning on the light make a note of your environment. Is it cold in your room? Does it feel like you're being watched? There's lots of paranormal associations these days, I'd say find one with a website with tips to determine if your house is haunted.

  6. In over a decade of paranormal investigation, the only rule I know of is that there isn't one sure-fire method that can be used to make a ghost manifest. However, there are several things that you might be able to do which would make a manifestation more likely.

    1) Generate a high EMF. EMF's (electromagnetic fields) are a phenomenon that occurs when electricity is flowing through an unshielded (or incorrectly shielded) electrical circuit. Most poltergeist activity seems to occur where there is a high level of EMF present. EMF's can be measured with an EMF detector. The easiest way to generate an EMF is to have something with a high level of current that doesn't have a proper shield around it (called a Faraday cage). However, EMF's also can cause hallucinations, paranoia, nausea, skin irritation, and general feelings of discomfort. It's theorized that ghosts use EMF's in order to manifest, and so using an EMF can really spark things off. EMF's generated by direct current devices (battery power) tend to work better than alternating current (wall outlet power), as a general rule, though the reasons for this don't really have any solid theories.

    2) Speak to the ghost. Talk out loud to an empty room. If a ghost is there and you just don't see them, you can get them to respond. I've had ghosts knock on walls and doors when I was positive there was nobody else in the entire house. You can give them an example of what an acceptable response would be (1 knock for yes, 2 for no... or however you think the response should work). Also, remember that ghosts tend not to really like silly and meaningless questions, and generally won't respond to them if you aren't taking things seriously.

    3) Douse the lights. Turning off all the lights can make things more comfortable for a ghost, though it can really creep you out if things start happening.

    4) Get a digital recorder. Several of them can be found relatively inexpensively, and you can use them to capture ghostly voices (you have to be actively recording to do this). These voices are unheard by human ears, but show up very quietly on playback. This is called EVP (electronic voice phenomenon).

    If there is actually a ghost in your home, talk to someone professional if it makes you uncomfortable. A list (though a far-from-complete one) of ghost hunting groups can be found through the link in my "sources" below.

    Finally, and above all, be respectful. The ghosts aren't there to harm you, or they would have already. If this is a serious matter and you need further guidance, please feel free to contact me by IM or email (just click my name to the left and click on the link in my profile). Even after so many years of ghost hunting, some ghosts do still creep me out and surprise me. The key is to accept that fear and shock are going to be possibilities, and to choose your responses accordingly: It's not disrespectful to ask them to stop disrupting your lives, or to tell you what they need to (and explain how the recorder works).

    None of this will ever guarantee a response. If ghosts were people at some point in their existence, it would make sense that they would react like people. Individual people are hard to predict unless you know them well. Ghosts tend to seem to be the same way.

    Here are some questions you might ask yourself:

    If you are afraid, at what point will you end your attempts?

    If you are touched by something unseen, how will you choose to react? (Note: this tends to be rare, and just a little upsetting.)

    If you are injured by something unseen, what will your reaction be? (Note: this tends to be VERY rare, and you will generally feel something very distinct when it does happen... and it's also VERY upsetting, since you can't see who did it, or do anything back. If this happens, get a professional investigator and IMMEDIATELY leave the area.)

    If you discover the ghost is someone you know, how do you choose to proceed?

    There are no specific right answers. The only wrong answers are answers that don't make sense in the situation. If you made a choice ahead of time, it could be wrong, because there are so many things that can change a situation.

    Overall, none of the above is dangerous. I would not recommend using a Ouija board (or any kind of spirit board, for that matter), and using divination to find a ghost just doesn't work, in general. Ouija boards operate by lowering your willpower, and can actually be dangerous because of this.

  7. ~~Tee-hee~~Vacuum out the closet...and~Under the bed~~And make sure you dump the "Garbage" in your worst enemy's window!!~~XP

  8. use a oiuji board! u can NOT see ghosts, but u can see things that they throw or something, but not them.

  9. Pick up the book "The Ghost Hunter's Guidebook" by Troy Taylor.

    I'm a paranormal researcher and this book helped me tremendously.

    Good luck.

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