
What are some techniques to learn how to look at people strait faced even when they are talking down on you,?

by  |  earlier

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for example if your boss is yelling at you cause of something you did wrong at work, is there any way to not look intimidated and look at them strait faced with confidence, cause I am exactly the opposite I always seem to get this look in my eye like a lil puppy being scolded for pee peeing on the carpet.




  1. This is something that you get better at with practise ,like a lot of things ,it is only hard the first time. It is also worth bearing in mind that someone who talks down to or is bossy to  another person, will  themselves be under a certain amount of stress whilst behaving in this manner. If you can remember this and the fact that no one else is any `better` than you,( whether they are your boss or not), then this will help you to build up confidence in yourself. Always `go `for someones eyes when they behave this way with you; force yourself to look at their eyes as they are speaking to you and keep looking there the whole time, don`t blink excessively  or at all if possible, this can be interpreted as a sign of `weakness`.Chances are that they will falter and be the first to look away.

  2. You just sort of have to train yourself not to be all flinchy and such. I used to be the same way but I guess I got used to it and it's not so bad anymore.

  3. With me its different.  I would end up bursting out laughing.  I have to bite my cheek.

    I'd say just remember who you are and what you are about.  Your boss is only a man that has to die and pay taxes just like you do.

  4. Well i've not really had this problem before but when i was like 3 i used to just count whilst it was happening.

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