
What are some the worst mistakes the U.S. has committed throughout history?

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Sandcreek Massacre? Trail of Tears? Japnese American Internment? NAFTA? Atomic Bomb? Slavery?




  1. Decode this lyrics " You are not alone"

    Look in the real world.

    Before pulling down the pants and bare someone else backsides.

    In the creation of loss of peace on earth goodwill to men.

    Luke 6.41-45

    What do you think?

  2. The worst mistake is the US trying to be the WORLD POLICE. Meddling in another foreign sovereign country affairs without being called for. Covert or no covert operations. US presence is always felt.

  3. 1. Involvement in Vietnam - US: 50,000 dead; Vietnam: 1 million - Vietnam is still communist

    2. Dropping A-bombs in Japan - barbaric cowardly mass murders of civilians

    3. Iraq War - barbaric mass murders of Iraqis in the hundreds of thousands

  4. too many 2 count. Even n**i german seems like a child compared ( which by the way they employed at the end of WW2 to make atomic bomb which most american idiots are unaware off)

  5. Electing Bush (the First Time); Invading Iraq; Electing Bush (the Second Time)... & we MAY be about to make the Fourth major mistake of the past 10 years- if not Our History- if we Elect John McCain!  :0

  6. A lot ....getting into other countries businesses, yah Irak n Japan...

    if u check history it's really disgusting n makes me feel ill of how far has not only the US get to do what it wants....

    Everything has it's reward anyway,,,they killed lots of people n now lots of people inside the country get of life

  7. Right now (In real time) the war in Iraq is a monumental mistake. History will be hard on the USA over the Iraq war.

  8. The Bushes granted too many Green cards to Chinese who are not sincere to be American.  They prioritized their Chinese value over their New country's value-that is free of speech, free of press.  So from the current news-the sold off military secret, the stealing the patents, the protest against the freedom of speech and so on.  I did not mean to against the immigration.  But come on! the difference is that when you ask a Mexican immigrant.  The answer always that they want to be an American.  They might support their ethical heritage but they took the joke or humor easily in some American way.  But it is not the case for those Chinese! Didn't you see that in newspaper, they waving the Bloody Five stars Flag and chanted that No negative image to China! Unless they are God, which race in the world without some negative images! The joke is Chinese insulted the Tibetan Spiritual leader freely in China, and they did not allow other people said any negative about them in their own country.  In this case the US.

  9. slaves

    george bush

    japanese concentration camps

  10. Some tasters.  Do some searching.

    A Century of US Interventions

    Israeli Information Centre for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories

    Venezuela’s view of US

    Red Cross Iraq

  11. Allowing liberal socialism to fester and uproot the constitution through judicial legislation.

  12. electing george w. as president...........


  13. there's many! the biggest of our time though was electing BUSH X 2 !!!!

    We are like children! It takes us a couple of times of really s******g up to say RUN!!!! Guess what? with simular policies on things such as war McCain might be X 3!!!! We just don't get it!!!!!

  14. The time we nuked North Carolina one is one of the best IMHO

    Of course that was just one of the many times we dropped nuclear weapons on places other than Japan for a full list see

  15. Taking God out of the classroom.  Not sticking to the Constitution.  Not securing the borders!  Not building enough prisons to house inmates long term.  Weak judges and prison sentences.  And now, trying to disintegrate our Bill Of Rights, especially our right to keep and bear arms.  Not declaring war when they should have.  Sending our troops into harms way without the proper armor and equipment.  Selling out to China.

    Shall I go on?

  16. First and foremost Slavery.  Second was electing Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton.

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