
What are some theories about why virtual particles pop in and out of existence?

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  1. Dirac's Hole Theory states that" When sufficient energy is imparted to matter in the negative state, it transcends unknown barriers and come to existence in the positive state leaving a void in the negative state".

    The proof of this theory was found in the Anderson Experiment. When a 2MEV gamma was focused on a aluminum foil target, two particles were created, an electron and a positron each having an energy equivalent of 0.55MEV.

    When an electron and a positron annihilate each other to nothingness, two gamma rays are emitted each having an energy of 0.55MEV.  

  2. I have nothing to support this but my theory is sense it happens in our dimension and there are other dimensions they may be slipping in and out of all the existing dimensions. Going from lets say dimension 1 to dimension 5 to dimension 2 so on so forth.

    to the guy above me those aren't the only ones. some particles,(I'm not no physics professor so i don't know much) in quantum mechanics, will burst in and out of existence/ this may be  the reason why most quantum mechanics are so hard to amke sense of.

  3. This does not happen with, ' virtual particles,' they exist only in mathermatics. Particles of matter and anti matter do appearer spontaenously in space, and they immediately distroy each other in a gamma ray burst.

  4. The accepted and tested theory is called quantum field theory.  Those virtual particles have measurable consequences such as the Casimir effect.

    QFT explains WHAT the particles do and HOW.  It doesn't really do WHY.  Why questions tend to not be terribly scientific.

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