
What are some things 10 year old girls like to do at sleepovers?

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Please answer the following: What foods should they have? Should there be a time for lights out? Should I let them eat/drink over my new carpet? Do they still play games? Or are they to old for that? If not what do they do? I am clueless!




  1. Have a mini salon where they do hair/nails/makeup. They like to play games like truth or dare ect. Rent a movie like Mean Girls or Freaky Friday. Don't forget the popcorn and pizza. If it's a weekend, maybe don't do lights out that night..there isn't really a reason to as long as they are not keeping you awake.

  2. Multiple different foods:

    ENTRE: little finger sandwiches and chips and dip

    MAIN: bbq foods, have a salad and baked potatoes. also a pizza if someone doesnt like the listed above^

    DESERT: ice cream, smoothies/milkshakes, sundaes

    LATE NIGHT SNACK: popcorn and chips

    TELL them lights out at 12:30. but they will def. stay up later than that.

    nooooooo! put towels down on top of it. someone would feel very bad if they spilled something.

    yes, depends on the games. have them all play twister, its fun, but turn on music and play musical twister! when the music stops, no one can move, so u r stuck in that position until the music comes back on. also try making sandals- go out to a store and buy inexpensive, plain sandals and fur/string stuff. then just twist the string stuff around the plastic loops u put ur toes through. look for a website for this.

    they like to talk, and leave them alone. have them in a comfy place with a TV and blow-up air matresses and LOTS of pillows. go out with your daughter and rent a few movies that they can all watch. they will play truth or dare, and let them run around the neighborhood untill it starts to get really dark. make sure ur daughter has a cell with her.

    :) have fun

  3. Pizza, chips,pop, popcorn, ice cream and topping, and try to get some healthy but good treats. LIghts out should be 10PM. Some good things to do play games, cards, watch movies.Put down a cheap table coth for them to eat on, one that is easy to wipe off.

    Good luck and have fun play with them

  4. food- pizza, ice cream, chips

    lights out- 1:00

    carpet- uh, no

    games- monopoly, mall madness, stuff like that

    they like to talk and play truth or dare i should know cuz i am 11

  5. My all time favorite many moons ago when I was 10, and still popular in our neighborhood, SCAVENGER HUNT!  Pizza, movies, popcorn.  I would say no drinks and nothing too messy on the new carpet.  Popcorn during the movie near the carpet shouldn't be too bad if it's not all soggy with butter.  Easily vacuumed up and won't make stains.  Another poster mentioned a talent show, I think that's a great idea too.  Also, for yourself, a shot glass and a small bottle of something tasty in your room, earplugs and advil.  LOL

  6. im fourteen years old n i've got a sister who is ten years old.

    ten year old girls at sleepovers watch movies, make up each other, talk about boys, play computer games, etc. they should have popular drinks, hot dogs , sandwiches, fried potatoes, ice cream, cookies. No you shouldnt let them drink or eat over your new carpet. Yes they still play games like they are superstars, a sing-along, and more.

  7. ask your daughter who is having the party what she enjoys/wants as snacks etc. unless you're the one having the sleepover, which is kind of weird.....

    and no to the carpet and when you see that they are tired, give them a warning of like, 30min till lights out.

    ps. don't give them anything high in sugar, they will be off the walls all night.

  8. Snacks and foods : Pizza , crakers & cheese , chips ,1 scoop of ice cream . Lights out by 11:00 pm cuz' they like to chit-chat alot. Yes , to old for little " Baby " games . So let em ' watch  a movie with popcorn .or maybe stuff like " older"

    games like ,dream life super star , monopoly , t.v. maybe , scrabble yea that's all .

  9. Foods- mostly snack foods [ chips, cookie, soda, juice ect. ]

    Lights Out- most girls don't like lights out at a specific time they'll fall asleep on their own

    Carpet- I would suggest not to let them eat or drink on your new carpet cuz sleep overs can get pretty messy at times

    Games- nowadays broad games and boring....but many a talent show would b nice or anything that will keep evryone entertained.....maybe even a movie no has watched would be nice. sometimes make overs are nice

    hope this helps =]]

  10. 2 movies - so they can pick what they want to watch, snacks - munchies, clear drinks (sprite, squirt),

    let them open presents and do each other's hair...and play games they want to play.

    at 10 pm, make yourself scarce.  ..but let them know what time you'll be waking them up for breakfast.  They can get into their sleeping bags when they watch the second movie.

    don't let em do stuff on the phone.

    We had everyone help make a batch of cookies and then ate em - that was fun, too.

    They'll end up playing silly games like truth or dare or just talking...and when they run out of stuff to do, they'll put in the other movie.

    If someone's really tired, let them take their sleeping bag and sleep in your daughter's (empty) room if they wanna go to sleep earlier than everyone else.

  11. One of my girls is 11.

    Foods- Popcorn, chips, juice, soda & a piece of candy or two [not before bed], ice cream.

    Lights out- I would let them stay up until 11:30-12:00 on weekends, schoolnights 9:00-9:30.

    Carpet- I would not let them eat over the carpet, because we all know how kids can be sometimes, haha.

    Games- They like to play games like truth or dare, and sometimes, depending on the girl they like to dress up.

    Some other activities they like to do are dress up, do their nails, dance, watch movies, do crafts, and listen to music.

    Good luck!

  12. At a sleep over ten year old girls giggle, giggle, and giggle some more.

    Sleep overs are so fun for little girls.

    Good foods would be pizza, hot dogs, chips, ice cream bars, cupcakes, kid friendly easy to Handel foods. As far as eating or drinking over the new carpet. Only foods that would not stain like cookies. What worked well for a lights out at my kids sleep overs was to end the night with a movie. Most of the girls fell asleep before it was over and it was lights out after that.!0 yearolds love games...try twister, balloon pop, relay races...but they will also want some time that is unstructured. A craft project is also a lot of fun.You can get kits from a craft store and let the girls put them together. Dress-up is another fun activity with really fancy dress up clothes. Talk to your daughter and see what she would like.

    good luck on the sleep over

  13. I would:

    provide them with stuff to eat like popcorn and chocolate, but not too much because it'll make them hyper. make sure they can't get at any more of it though.

    give them films to watch - it gets them sleepy and takes up part of the evening

    give them drinks - but not on your new carpet! maybe in cartons or something

    set boundaries so that they know what is ok and what's not

    keep an eye on them - be out of the room but don't let them know that you haven't gone to sleep! Go to sleep after they have quietened down a bit.

    magazines are a good idea

    games like cluedo monopoly cranium etc. are good to have lying about in case they want them.

    it seems messy but girls of that age often like pampering themselves and being grown up so what about face packs? you can get them quite cheaply and they'll have great fun.

    but if they're not into any of that stuff then try an activity like something arty-crafty.

    make sure everybody knows where the bathroom is and where to find you if they need anything in the night

    hope this helps


  14. Foods: It depends on what they like! Most kids like chips and dip, so pick up some tortilla chips and salsa. Popcorn is standard for sleepovers; buy lots of it. Pizza is also generally expected. In addition, you could have ice cream with some toppings to make sundaes (chocolate syrup, whipped cream, crushed cookies, chopped nuts). For drinks, soda and chocolate milk are your safest bets.

    Lights out: I suggest that when the guests come, you designate one room for all the sleeping bags; that way, as each guest reaches her limit, she can retire to the quiet room, away from the party. If the others can stay up all night, I'd just say let them do it; they may want to, and they may not. Just give the early sleepers a chance to get some rest if they feel like it.

    Carpet: Heck no! Keep the food (except for the popcorn, which is easy to vacuum up) in the kitchen and dining room.

    Games: Again, it depends on who's at the party. They may want video games or a karaoke machine, or they may want something simpler. Do you have any card games like Set, Uno, or Old Maid? I enjoyed all of these when I was ten. You could also dig up some board games; Sorry or Monopoly or Trouble or whatever. If the guests aren't into these kinds of games, rent some movies instead; you can't go wrong with a selection of movies.

    Other things they can do include "make-overs," painting nails, fixing each other's hair, games like Charades or Twenty Questions, and craft projects. If it's a special occasion, such as a birthday, why not set up a scavenger hunt? That would be fun, especially if you did it in the dark, with flashlights.

    I hope this answers all your questions; good luck organizing the party!

  15. First off the foods should be simple and as mess free as possible.  Pizza rolls, chips, cheese sticks things like that go over good and are low clean up.  Second you can set a time for lights out but trust me chances are they wont go to sleep then it will be giggles and laughter in the dark so let them go until they fall asleep on their own.  Third if the house rule is no eating on the carpet then the party rule needs to be the same.  We make food and snacks in the kitchen and a designated area for the party which is covered with a plastic tarp under a throw rug that way if they spill it doesnt go through to the carpet.  Fourth let your daughter decide about the games.  mine at 10 would rather do hair, makeup, nails and movies but occassionally they will break out some games, they know what they like to do and will make their own list with your input.  If you have a group of girls that age then they will do a lot of laughing, talking and squealing and chances are you will also loose sleep but it is fun and worth it.

  16. Being a 11 yr/o.I say plenty Of popcorn,chips,candy,soda or flavored water.We are 2 old for games and play truth or dare (but nothing gross).Get movies too.I would put a big blanket down to prevent carpet spills.BUT DO NT MAKE THEM GO TO BED!TELL THEM TO GO TO THEIR ROOM AT 12 THOUGH AND THEY CAN PARTY THERE!

  17. Pizza is usually a pretty safe bet for food.   Get a couple of different pizzas, some water bottles, and popcorn for a snack later on.   If you're going to be furious if they spill anything on your new carpet, then don't let them eat on it.  No sense in setting them up for failure....someone is BOUND to spill something!  

    If you get a few age-appropriate movies, they will probably entertain themselves.  Lights out at around midnight.   Some suggestions for movies:

    High School Musical

    Freaky Friday

    Parent Trap (with Lindsay Lohan)

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