
What are some things I can do about my two incoming bottom wisdom teeth?

by  |  earlier

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They've been growing in for a while and they hurt really bad but they haven't come in yet and my teeth are already pretty jacked up and i know ill need to get it pulled but what can i do about the pain?




  1. I have the same problem as you, I'm just a big baby to go to the dentist.  Whats probably happening is that your gum is getting infected if the tooth has broken through the skin.  The best bet is to rinse with salt water a few times a day.  If its a really bad infection you are going to need to get antibiotics from your dentist.  Other than that, your teeth will continue to give you problems as long as they are in.  You are better off getting them out before they begin to decay and give you a more complicated extraction and stinky breath.  

  2.   Get them pulled right away, don't wait.  I should have had mind pulled much sooner than I did.  I thought that I could have kept them forever, but they came out anyway.

  3. There is a lot of information about this on  

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