
What are some things I can do to keep myself calm?

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Like the question says.. I want to find some things I can do to keep myself more calmer. Like, I do not want to be mean to my girlfriend. I have a short temper and yell at her over the stupidest S**t. I'm a b*tch to most people, some people I'm pretty nice too. I just want to find things I can do to keep me more calm and control my actions and words. I do say some fvcked up S**t often. Whatever I think I say, vice versa. So it's hard, because I don't actually think BEFORE I say. (Confusing) I need some ideas, I would really appreciate it. I don't know if anyone is awake to help, but positive ideas would be great. Thanks.




  1. No one & nothing can help u except u urself. Meditation is a good practice to keep u calmer. Ever have a smiling face . Talk with more kids. surely u can overcome it.  

  2. Tai Chi.

    For real.

    It did miracles for this cynic.

  3. Have you tried breathing exercises? I haven't tried it but apparently yoga is a great way to learn breathing techniques. My shrink recommended it but I haven't got around to it.

       Mindfulness is also helpful:

    Think of a pleasant image or memory, and use it when you find yourself getting upset. Think of a pet you had in childhood or a teddy bear - whatever.

    You can count backwards from ten, or try to recite the alphabet backwards. This can help you distract yourself from your urge to snarl.

    Snapping at people is a bad habit, and self-defeating, a person will only take so much c**p from someone and then they will shut down on you. It being a habit you can replace it with another. It takes patience and practice but if you stick to it, you'll get better at it.

       Good luck.

  4. what i do to calm down is play music. not listen, but actually get the instrument and play. or play a trivia game. doing stuff like trivia or music makes your  whole mind concentrate on finding out the answer, or trying ot play it, ect, and it calms you down. learned it in a psych hospital i had a stay with :)  

  5. say nice things.  think about something that makes you happy.  get professional help.

  6. breathing techniques. deep breaths in and out. relaxing nights out and relaxing nights in too. and think twice before you act and say/scream anything. it'll help your temper a little. it has helped mine :)

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