
What are some things I can raise money for?

by  |  earlier

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Me and my friend across the block have been doing lemonade stands, and we've raised quite a bit of money/ We want do donate it for research for some kind of sickness. We don't really want to do cancer, because there are already a lot of people out there raising money for it. What is a bad sickness we can raise money for? Or another cause???




  1. Think about how you can help your OWN community first. What about your local animal shelter?  Ours always needs food, dishes, etc.

    You could also have a yard sale (It's really fun if you get a lot of people to donate, especially when the stuff is really CLEAN and nice - like clothes or bigger items) - if people know your cause, they are more likely to buy something, too.

    Oh, and if you have a yard sale and you have a lot of little toys, you can put four or five nice ones in little paper bags and sell them as "grab bags" (be sure to label them "boy" "girl" or "boy or girl") - if you fill them up, you can sell them for 75 cents or a dollar.

  2. I usually like to donate to the Ronald McDonald house.  Or the National Multiple Sclerosis Foundations.  Both really good causes.  Good job raising money and great idea!!!!

  3. If it were me i would donate it to the Juvenille Diabetes Assos.

    because there are alot of kids that are diabetic that need money for medicine/syringes they cant afford, or even to send a kid to camp...

  4. you can donate the money to the ha foundation

    they help promote awareness about how laughter is the best cure for illness

  5. abused animals they need better care in animal shelters they just sit there wasting or the childrens aid society for foster/abused kids

  6. You could raise money to send care pkgs over to our soliders.

  7. -Make a wish foundation: fulfills wishes of kids with life threatening illness

    -stroke research

    -Big Brothers Big Sisters

    -autism awareness

    -diabetes (juvenile and/or adult)

    -use the money to buy school supplied for Operation Iraqi Children

    -buy acres in the rain-forest

    -sponsor a child in an underdeveloped country

    Thanks for being so considerate!  The world could use more people like you!

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