
What are some things I need to know for playing volleyball?

by  |  earlier

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I am new to volleyball. I made the team, well everyone did.

So I'm following the common principle of not caring what other people think, but I'm disappointing myself. What I need to know:

1. Serving (Under/Over)

2. Getting the ball to hit your palm.

3. Hitting the ball where you want it+straight.

4. Not being afraid of the ball.

Pathetic. Obviously. =(




  1. its ok if u mess up once in a while, it happens to everyone. dont be too disappointed, just take others' advice and practice until u get it to the point where u can do it consistently and accurately.

    1. for serving under/over: most of the time, i serve under, even though i know its better to serve over because most professionals do it? anyways, when u serve under, just focus on the ball and take a mild swing under, using ur palm for the most part. try not to throw the ball in the air then hit it, it loses direction that way. just use ur other hand to hold it and use ur dominant hand to underhand serve. for an overhand serve, you just have to throw it above you, high enough. dont throw it in front of you, and dont throw it behind you. use the palm of ur hand to hit it hard. i usually take a step with my left foot first then i hit it, and i do this to get more power before i serve.

    2. theres not much about getting the ball to hit ur palm. if ur bumping, or just regularly hitting the ball back and forth, make sure to carry out ur bumps slowly and flexibly. focus on hitting the ball on ur palm, just get it direct. its not too difficult this way. if the ball is served too strong, take a few steps back to make it able to hit ur palm.

    3. to hit the ball where u want it and straight, u need ur hands, position, and posture correctly. for ex., if ur hands are put the wrong way, u will hit the ball to somewhere else and it wont end up going over the net. bend ur knees and always be ready to hit the ball. ur coach will probably tell u the right way to hold ur hand, because im not sure how to explain it on here....D: sorry

    4. its ok to be afraid of the ball sometimes. i get afraid when my mom is watching me at a game. i just think to myself that the ball is my friend, and that everyone is going for the ball, and then i think that if everyone is aiming for the ball, i should be too! a volleyball isnt really heavy, it wont hurt u or give u bruises or anything, so lol dont worry. after alot of pratice, ull get used to the ball. eventually u'll be a great vball player. just keep working on ur skills and tactics and that leads u to success.

    hope this answers ur question!


  2. blocking.


    those all above are only skills.

    you need more than skills to play volleyball.

    You need motivation.

    Oh, if you are a toaser, it's good to have a skill like put the ball to the area near the net. so, the opponent will hard to catch it.

    Also, when you first serve, direct your ball to the toaser. Because, if you direct it to the toaser, so, he/she can't give other player a spike.

    good luck!

  3. Don't be afraid to get on the floor. Throw your body into the game.

    When the ball is being hit hard at you on deffence just relax. If your tense you will mess up. BREATH!

    Hustle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What ever you are doing RUN!

  4. before you can practice the fancy stuff, you need to be able to get down the basics, Bumping, setting, spiking, serving, and blocking, after this you can start putting fancy spin on your serves. You should wear long socks, knee pads, and spandex under your gym shorts if your a boy, and just wear them showing if your a girl.

  5. 1. 4 over hand keep your elbow up and snap ur wrist. for underhand don't toss the ball up and than hit it it doesn't work very well and it looks stupid.

    2. u need a good toss. Practice your toss it should be a little above ur head, and stand in a gym on a line toss it up and try and get the ball to land on the line (don't hit it) do 10 reps.

    3. first u should make sure u can get it over, than have objects on the opposite side, and than try and look at it and than just try not to totally mess up your swing

    4. just tell yourself it is coming 2 u and you r the best volleyball player in the world! it acctually works!

  6. The most important part is:

    1> Listen to your coach, follow instructions.

    2> Give your heart to the sports.

    3> Make good use of your time, in the gym and off the gym.

    It takes some time to become a good player, so be patient. You need to practice, practice, and practice.

  7. ok so first of all don't be afraid of what others think at all because if you be yourself you will get notice and DON'T blend in with the other girls. but as far as terms go for serving if it is your first year definately do underhand it is much easier adn you CAN have just as big of an affect as doing it overhand. As far as getting the ball to go straight you can never really know where its going when you start because everyone is different you have to find the spot where you can get it going straight. i used to be afraid of the ball when a good server came up on the other team but just do what you can and try as hard as you can. If your coach and teamates really care about you they won't care one bit if you mess up.

    -hope it helps and good luck

  8. dont let the ball hit ur face

  9. hustle






    and most of all HAVE FUN! Volleyball is a great sport and is so much fun!

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