
What are some things about teaching u would like to tell me?

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I am doing a project in Engish class where I have to research a career I am interested in... it i hard to find information on teachers (good infor anyway) things I need to know are mostly the physical demands and interesting facts. Also, a GOOD description of what teachers do...THANK YOU FOR YOUR ADVICE




  1. My English teacher made us do the same thing when I was in high school and I also chose to research teachers. I used   its a site created by a teacher for teachers or people planning on becoming teachers, and it's kinda like myspace...kinda, but they have profiles to discuss how they became teachers and what it is like becoming a teacher or being one. I created an account and started asking questions and they were SO helpful. I got an A on my paper, so I'm sure you will find what you need there!

    Good Luck hope I helped:]]

  2. Demands of a teacher - meeting grade targets, encouraging their class, making sure every child is challenged in the lesson, and not forgetting the behaviour of that students which is a challenge in itself.

    Description - day is mostly filled up with pointless meetings, teaching, having a well earned break, some more teaching, another pointless meeting, then marking books for 6 hours in the evening

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