
What are some things for a 19 year old to do in Mexico City?

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What are some things for a 19 year old to do in Mexico City?




  1. I do not know what you like to do, but Mexico City is one of the most interesting cities in the world. I would recommend starting in the Forest of Chapultapec. There are several sections to Chapultapec. There is the castle on the top of the hill. It is an amazing place to visit. It has a 360 degree view with the best being the view down the Promenade of Reforma. There is also several musuems, the zoo, an amusement park and the National Auditorium.

    In front of the Auditorium you can catch the turibus for downtown. You will go along Reforma which was layed out like the great European streets. The Zocalo cannot be missed. However, the Ashes of Snow exhibit ruins your views of the plaza. The cathederal es one of the most impressive anywhere. Next to the cathederal, they have uncovered some of the Templo mayor or the main Aztec temple. It is believed that the government building east of the cathederal was built over the rest of the main Azted temple.

    Not far from the Zocalo is the Palace of the Beautiful Arts. This has great architecture. Across the street from the Palace is a Post Office which was designed by the same architecture. The inside is amazing.  

    On weekends, I would recommend the markets in Coyoacon or San Angel. Condessa is also a very interesting section of the city.

    In Coyoacon you can also go to the Frida Museum and Diego Riveras. Both great artists of Mexico.

    I could keep going and sound like a guide book, but I have only scratched the surface and there are some amazing things within a couple hours drive also.

    I moved here 3 months ago for work and had no idea what an amazing city Mexico City is. Just try to stay away from rush hour traffic or the need to park.

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