
What are some things girl scouts in France do?

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What are some things girl scouts in France do?




  1. What Stephane forgets to say is that he is talking about scout d'Europe, a more conservative group than the Scouts de France.

  2. You might want to consult their website:

  3. They walk and bivwak very much - sing, very much - go to the church for special scout ceremonies - otherwise they sing very much, and go to the church - they are socially conditionned in the sense that they are brainwashed on a very conservative modus - and then look for reponsabilities everywhere they go - which means they look for persons to command them - even if those persons do not need at all -

    They are also very keen in seeking "poors" in order to crop them like vegetables - this gives them a very high level of "good conscience " - once they are adults their path to the sky is at least a right 1stclass flyticket to Paradise.- generally they create families in which less than four children is not regular .

    This is a sample of the songs you can find on french sites of

    " Scouts d'Europe " - if you do not find, after translation, the very military style of it - maybe proves that your critical sense is not yet at its top, and therefore that you're a good scout, as they want. :

    « Chante au danger et souris dans la peine »,

    Telle est la loi des scouts vaillants,

    Et, sans faiblir, sur la grand’-route humaine,

    Les yeux bien clairs, ils vont gaiement.

    R. Va, fils de France, et, sans tourner la tête

    Droit sur l’avenir fixe ton regard.

    2. Comme, autrefois, nos fiers aïeux en fête

    Chantaient avant les durs combats,

    Sans nulle peur, sinon que, sur leurs têtes,

    Le ciel ne croule à grand fracas.

    3. Chante au matin, quand l’aube est radieuse,

    L’espoir d’un jour paisible et pur ;

    Et, quand la nuit autour du camp se creuse,

    Redis ton chant d’un ton plus sûr.

    @ Cabal is right - see my 2nd reply in your 2nd post

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