
What are some things i can do to help me get a perfect heel strearch to the front and side, also a scorpian?

by  |  earlier

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i just started flying this year, and i have this stunt that i have to pull a stretch, to the front and to the side. i have a left split, but when i stand up and try to pull the stretch its not good. i really want them to be good. also my scorpian, im almost there but not exactley. do you know anyways that can help me???




  1. keep on streching and ask for a spot while you are doing your heelstretch. do the same thing for a scorpian. hope you have fun flying

  2. stretch,strecth,stretch! You can never strecth too much.  Here are some really good stretches to try:

    1) Stand with your back against a wall and have someone pick your leg up and have them try to push your leg as far as it will go. Try being able to touch your toe to the wall above your head. Hold it for a good minute (longer if you can stand it). Then switch and do the other side. (make sure they're pushing on your leg, not just holding it up.)

    2) Have someone stand behind you. Kneel on the ground and wrap your arms around the backs of their legs. Pick one of your legs up off the ground( you will be balancing on one knee) and have the other person pull that leg up in the air, pulling it towards your body.(hold it for a 10 count) Now Switch legs. This will give you a really good stretch perfect for heel strecthes.

    3) Sit down (sideways) on the ground and scootch your butt up  close to a wall. Now turn around facing the wall, lay down and throw your legs up onto the wall. Then slowly slide your legs apart and down the wall. This will look a very odd and raunchy position but it stretches you really well. Lay there and hold this position for about 5 minutes. The goal is to eventually be able to slide you farther and farther down the wall.

    4)(For your scorp): Stand against the wall facing it. Throw your leg back and up as if your doing a scorp. Have someone grab the bottom of your thigh and push it up until you feel the stretch. (Use the wall to brace yourself) Hold this for a minute or so.

    I hope this helps! Good luck girly!

  3. hunny im in color guard but i use to be in cheerleading

    soo there is nothing really good to help strtch your heels but as fo the scorp.. lay on the ground on your belly and put your leg up and grab it with your hands! the you hold it for about 20 sec.. keep on doing that atleast 10 times..then if you do that every day or about every day it will work i prom.. it helped me sooo muchh! and i bet your pretty talneted and is  a fast learner!

    so keep on pushing your self to the next level you will shine!

    i belive in you that you can do anything!;]

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