
What are some things i can do to lose weight?

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this summer i gained weight and i intend to lose it, i would like to know iwhat are some excercizes i can do daily or when needed that will help me lose fat on m stomach and thighs. I already jog about twice a week for 15 minutes, but i stopped during the summer and i will begna again next month, so i need an excercize i can do along with jogging that will help me lose that fat.




  1. Read this and learn how to be thin for life.

  2. Eat less and exercise more. Do some calisthenics; pushups, situps, burpees, etc.

  3. eat healthy foods and excerise. and dont eat past 10pm.

  4. Hi there,

    90% of weight loss is actually to do with diet. So first of all you need to make sure you cut down on carbs and sugar and eat more protein and veg. Sugar and carbs produce insulin which stores fat and stops it from being used as an energy source.

    To go with this the best form of exercise is resistance training as this keeps your metabolism up for upto 48 hours after

  5. don't do anything! your already skinny. but if u insist just eat healthier and have regular excercise

  6. running walking sports, anything that will make you break a sweat.. and eating healthy. you can exercise all you want if you eat like a pig.. you wont lose any weight.

    have fun and good luck..

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