
What are some things i could do on long airplane rides?

by  |  earlier

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im going to london and rome and paris in july and i need some stuff to do on the long airplane flight. i get really bored very easily and please tell me some stuff i could do during the flight....thx!




  1. wow, are you going on a tour! I think I took the same tour,

    well anyway, depending on what airline you're flying into London, expect delays, so arrive at the airport early.

    Well from LAX to Heathrow it's an 11 hour flight, and then add on 3 more hours if you're flying to Rome.

    If you're flying with British Airways, for the love of god I just hoped you purchased travel insurance, they're so notorious for delaying luggage or losing it. On most transatlantic flights the drinks are complementary, and each seat has a touch screen map/television  monitor. I suggest you take a good book, or go get some prescription sleeping pills, because it's going to be a loooooong flight. On top of that their flight attendants are so surly, and I really hope you don't sit next to a british bloke, those people just have no sense of using deodorant! Also, most people aren't aware of this, but on your airplane seat, the shoulder pads can be twisted down like shoulder pillows.

    Well, I just hope you have a great time wherever it is you're going, just make sure you take plenty of money, in fact whatever you're planning on taking, take double, in London everything costs double of what it does here in the states, for the rest of europe, things are always more expensive than here in the states, but not as much as you will pay in London. Also before you leave, exchange your currency at the airport, make sure you get English pounds for England (they don't use the euro), and get euros for the rest of your trip. If you're passing through Switzerland you'll need Swiss Francs, they also don't use euros.

  2. Sounds like a wonderful trip you have planned.  I'd suggest bringing a DVD player with several movies.  Even better if you have a laptop with a built in DVD. Noise cancelling headphones will make everything sound better.  In fact, you can use them even if they're not plugged into anything and they'll help drown out the airplane noise.   If you like crossword puzzles or sudoku you might bring along a book or two of those.  Magazines are good although they can be heavy to haul around.  Most people will sleep at least some portion of the flight.  Blow-up travel neck pillows are easy to pack and really do work.  You might also consider a compact travel  blanket.  While you'll normally have access to one on longer flights such as yours, it's nice to know you don't have to rely on the airlines to make sure it's there.  Pack some light snacks too.  Small packs of cookies, candies, or mints will hold you through to the next inflight meal.  Bon Voyage!

  3. Make sure your iPod is charged!!! I just flew to London and back last week, and my best advice is to sleep.  The time change really messes with you, so try to prevent jetlag by getting some sleep on the plane.  Another thing is to take advantage of the time and go through your plans and those guidebooks that you never read properly until it's too late. This way, by the time you land, you'll have a list of things you want to see and do besides the obvious tourist attractions, and won't miss anything.

  4. sleep.


    look at the window

    its very prettyy!

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