
What are some things people can do daily to save the environment and save endangered species?

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Serious answers only please. This a topic in which I feel very strongly about.




  1. How committed are you?

    You can do as much or little as you like.  Most of the suggestions above (recycling, driving less, converting to energy efficient bulbs) will all help to reduce what you consume, all of which makes a difference, buys a tiny bit more time.

    There are many steps you can make towards living a sustainable lifestyle, yet I think, if you want a truly sustainable existence, you have to really want it for its own sake.

    I made the country change 6 years ago, exchanging the joys of the city, money and material benefit for a shack on a couple of hundred acres (cheap in Australia) where we catch and recycle all our own water, grow some of our own food, share the surplus, buy in when we are short.  Use solar power and some power off the grid.  Produce almost no waste which isn't biodegradable.  Use our cars very little.

    On the land, we employ permaculture principles to cultivate fruit trees, vegetables around a five acre permiter of where we live.  The remaining land we have, we are replanting with native trees which foster the ecosystem and provide a habitat for wildlife.

    All of this is its own reward, and it probably means we have a negative carbon footprint (due to reforestation).  I also believe long term that the efforts of our governments will be to little too late to prevent catastrophe, and so what we need..are beacons and example of how we might live in future times, not shunning technology and progress but embracing it.

    Follow your heart and live your dreams.

  2. Don't drive. When I get out of school, I walk home. That way, I know I'm not helping pollute the enviroment.

  3. Almost nothing and that is being optimistic.


    Of the earth's estimated 10 million species, 300,000 have vanished in the past 50 years. each years, 3,000 to 30,000 species become extinct.

    A lot of human activity is speeding that up since we tend to overpower all the other species in one way or another.

    Some reasons why animals are being wiped out ,in the forests are:

    The hunting of exotic species for the consumer market

    only about 10% of the animals caught survive

    The hunting of animals for food by settlers

    Forest fires ,that have started because of slash and burning of forest ,to clear the land for farming, had gotten out of control

    The loss of Habitat because the conditions have changed ,e.g less humidity because of the surrounding farmlands ,or over pumping of rivers for human use(farming and utility)

    Because of contamination of the waters ,

    Expanding farming ,that has to keep pace with the expanding populations are very strong forces that encroach upon the rainforest's,

    clearing them for farming and settlement areas .

    In Mexico is a famous jungle that the Media has been trying to save for years

    the Naturalists ,and the government ,keep watch .laws are made for protection the wild and to forbid logging.

    TV put out a series of documentaries

    there are campaigns in the News papers

    and all of this has not made the slightest difference

    Rainforest's always are in third world countries and always in third world countries corruption and the need for money s highest

    The jungle gets smaller by the day

    more and more farmers move in .and burn the trees

    It is an impossible situation

    as long as there is poverty in these regions the destruction will continue

    And the Animals will continue to be trapped ,as long as people keep buying the exotic animals

    we must look for ways to improve economic situations on the edges of Nature .

    The only way to preserve the forest is to develop Eco tourism under strict control that has limited access ,and use the local people in the concept as guides ,hotel staff and get them to start home industries of artifacts .

    Eco tourism is the only concept that profits by a healthy back ground with out harming it

    Trees are coming down all the time ,

    in My town trucks loaded with huge logs of exotic timber leave the mountains with permits bought from corrupt officials almost nightly

    We can only guess at the exact amount but from my house we can see many bare patches on the mountains and the river is constantly muddy in the last 3 years ,because topsoils, without the protection of the forests , is washed into the rivers ,

    This is just one place and this is happening all over Mexico ,the Market for the wood being the USA.

    The Indians or local people would cut everything down and burn the forest to replace it with harmful short term farming killing the soil in no time.


    And now many animals are becoming sick because of changes in temperature ,And Big changes at micro biotic levels that affects all the follows in the food chains ,first the insects so much follows the insects in the food chains ,that we can expect a lot of  changes in the environment .

    Vital links  are disappearing affecting other species further along in the chain

    90% of the feral (wild) bee population in the United States has died out.

    Recent studies in the United Kingdom and the Netherlands have shown that bee diversity is down 80 percent in the sites researched, and that "bee species are declining or have become extinct in Britain." The studies also revealed that the numbers of wildflowers that depend on pollination have dropped by 70 percent.

    If bees continue to die off so would the crops they support and with that would ensue major economic disruption and possibly famine.

    Bees are not the only pollinators but if these things are happening to bees we can bet on it that other insects are also in trouble ,on top of this many people are spraying for mosquito`s ,with drastic effects .

    only time will tell what is in store for us ,and that time is running now .

    everything is happening so fast it is not possible to monitor events any more

    Eco tourism,is one way;...

    Private game reserves is another

    Stricter hunting laws ,not totally effective

    Don`t buy animals products works in Europe

    people cannot walk the streets wearing fur coats anymore they will be accosted by the public.

    But many countries do not have the same sentiments

    in Mexico ,China ,India ,USA people buy exotic pets or exotic medicines often for aphrodisiacs

    there is also a large trade in exotic plants.

    governments are getting stricter but they cannot be everywhere ,and the demand will buy at any price this is a big temptation for the traders .

    In the end the most effective way is education starting from kinder garden teaching kids to love and respect nature and showing them the beauty ,and importance of the Environment to our own existence.

    But it will still be downhill for the Natural world ,Now that global warming has joined up.

  4. leave the planet

  5. .Save electricity like turning off appliances when your not using it

    .Save water like turning off the tap when your not using it



    .When your on the street or somewhere if rubbish is lying on the floor pick it up and throw it in the nearest trash can

    . Convince your neighbors to start doing what your doing

    .Do not waste paper

    .have a garden in your house

    That is about it. It is nice to have many people being environment-friendly!

  6. Change to energy efficient light bulbs

    Bring your own cloth bags to grocery stores


    Recylce EVERYTHING

    Unplug your tv, cell phone charger, and dvd player when done.

    Turn off your computer

    Ride your bike/walk/take the bus

    Skip the bottled water, use a reusable water bottle.

    Pack you lunch in a lunch box, not a brown bag.

    Less plastic more paper.

    Print double sided.

    (and check out


    I'm so glad that others are interested in going green too!!!  Yeah!

  7. Turn off the air con.

  8. -Turn off every electrical appliance you're not using

    -Use the energy efficient lightbulbs


    -Unplug rarely used appliances

    -When possible, wash laundry in 'cold', and line dry

    -Let sun in for warmth at home, and close blinds/drapes when it becomes too warm

    -Take quicker showers

    -Only wash full loads (laundry and dishes)

  9. take your own bags to shop.

    I don't think we are meant to "save" endangered species.

  10. Don't Litter, Don't use as much plastic and waste materials, Recycle (even papers, and little things)Hope I helped--♥-

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