
What are some things people can do to prevent pimples?

by Guest58858  |  earlier

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What are some things people can do to prevent pimples?




  1. every once in a while people get the occasional zit, but to keep my face fairly clear i use clean and clear on the spot for little spots on my face, and then a clean and clear facewash to wash my face every morning and night. it helps keep my face clean and pimple free for the most part, hope it helps! : )

  2. Wash your face everyday in the morning and at night as well and drink lots of water. Exercise is good as well. When you sweat, it cleans up your pores. Just make sure you shower afterwards.  

  3. drink plenty of water- exfoliate weekly and use a mild astringent and face wash daily

  4. Make sure you drink plenty of water everyday and make sure you wash your face morning and night. Don't drink so much soda and juice and eat so much candy (if you do). Don't even bother using Proactive, just wash your face everyday and it should be fine.

  5. Ummmm..... It's pretty obvious. Use proactive.

  6. I was in the dermatologist's office last week and she had a book out in the reception area. She gave copies to who ever wanted.

    My girlfriends and I did the plan and we all had clearer skin within a week, 2 the most.


  7. Try avoiding dairy products.  

    Hormones in the milk are supposed to cause acne.  

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