
What are some things that I can do in my free time?

by  |  earlier

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I'm looking for something that I can do, something that I am able to do. I've tried drawing but I can't draw..what else can I do, can some one please help?




  1. Try to find out your passion. Do something that you love to do.

    Just like you tried drawing, try lot many other things. You will surely come across your passion.

    Music (Vocal or instrumental) is also worth trying. Its a skill. It increases concntration, creativity and soothes the spirit.  

  2. well ill see what i can think of at the top of my head

    Things to do.. um..

    Reading, Sowing, Exercising, Cooking, Writing, Television, Surfing, Knitting, Napping/Sleeping, Eating, Crosswords (fights old timer! :P) Listening to music, Dancing, Studying, Learning new languages, Invite Friends over, Laundry, Water Plants, Facebook/Myspace (yeah i just had to), Mess with your hair (Styling), Play with pets/siblings/relative (if any), Practice Drawing (only way to get better is to practice), and probably a bunch of more. If you feel like going out then you can also, Take Dance Lessons, Drawing, Martial Arts, Language, or anything else that interests you. =]

  3. take up sewing, reading, writing apoems or a book. Wood working, beading, or taking a new language.

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