
What are some things that every person should know?

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Just any facts about anything, that you think every person on earth should know!




  1. Know yourself - your likes/ dislikes

    your strenght / weaknesses

    your mental / emotional / behaviour / reaction in any event.

    your way of thinking / intelligence level.

    your fears / worries

    When you know all of this things you are ready and armed for anything. Everything else don't really matter.

  2. What everyone should know is that:

    People are just like us, and should not do something to harm another person.  In word or deed.  Sometimes we do not think about our actions...we are quick to want to argue, fight, or hurt others...sometimes not even being aware of actually doing it.

    But if we slowed down and thought about how what we do and say to others and behave towards one another then we might see the harm our words or actions cause.

    Being polite, having manners, saying things like "Thank-you", "Please, would go a long way in making this world a better place to live.

    I work in the travel industry and deal with people from all over the world, with various levels of education from thier respective countries.  I am totally shocked by these educated people's lack of simple manners.  When they come up to me and I do something to make thier lives easier, they do not have the common courtesy to say a simple "Thank-you".

    They just go on like the world owes them a favor.

  3. Guys can't p**s straight, get over it.  You can't fix it.

  4. Basic life skills and more...

    How to shop & cook so you can feed yourself,

    How to keep your home, clothes & body clean.

    How to handle a checking account and balance a checkbook.

    How to maintain your vehicle (if you have one)

    Know when to go to the doctor

    How to handle themselves in a social situation

    How to order flowers

    How to write a thank you note.

    Basic table manners

    How to dress for an interview

    and especially for men - how to put the seat down.

  5. The Pilfers were the best band that nobody ever heard.  Sadly, they broke up in 2001.  BUT, they have been playing some shows and hopefully will tour again.  For now, check them out at

  6. Never let your drink get away from your eyesight at a bar or party!!

  7. Don't play in traffic or drink bleech

  8. Credit cards are evil.

    All people have the same basic desires and fears.

    Everybody lies.  It's human.

  9. Two things:

    What is right from what is wrong.

    What you want from what you need.

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