
What are some things that fast drivers do? Ex. Tailgate, Traffic weaving?

by Guest59390  |  earlier

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Also, What are some characteristics of a fast driver?




  1. uhm... speeding? and all the other stuff the 'top contributer' said above me... i mean how the heck are we supposed to compete against that? xD

  2. No turn signals.

    Braking very fast.

    Killing other people.

    Hit and runs.

  3. Sooner or later....  they'll end up in a real bad accident!

  4. The skillful fast safe drivers that have a clue do not want to be in an accident.  They do not want other drivers being  ticked off and place a call into the police.  They signal lane changes.  They do not tail gate.  They pass on the left.  They do not cut off other drivers.  They maintain a high degree of situational awareness.  They are always scanning the mirrors. They are looking far ahead for any situation that will impede their speed.  Both hands on the wheel.  Highly focused.  They are aware of the capabilities of their car.  I for one would like to see some of the speed limits on highways increased.  Most interstate highways should be at least 75 mph.  Below is info on the nation's speed limits.  God Bless Texas, they have a section of 80 mph highway.

  5. .

    Detachment from reality is the main characteristic if the speed is too high for the road and/or traffic conditions.


  6. Fast drivers are sometimes very skilled drivers. They don't necessarily tailgate, and when they weave, they do so smoothly and skillfully without endangering others.

    Fast drivers don't always stop at stop signs. They don't always signal their intentions, but they usually have good observation skills (if they haven't been in any collisions and have some experience behind them). They usually drive a vehicle which is capable of getting them out of situations, such as having a high powered engine, good tires, and a very tight "nut behind the wheel" Fast drivers scan ahead, to the sides and to the rear if they have experience. Fast drivers who are "good ones" have usually either raced cars or have a lot of mechanical knowledge about cars and know both their own and their vehicle's limitations.There may be the occasional personal distraction within the car at any given point in time and a good fast driver will anticipate this and react acccordingly.

    In conclusion, fast drivers should be well experienced, have good equipment, and excellent judgement B U T remember......."anything can happen at anytime".......which is the danger of being a fast driver......

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