
What are some things that i can do to become a better catholic?

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i am wondering what things i can do in my spare time to become a better Catholic. Please no sarcastic or rude answers!




  1. If you're interested, this is a popular forum for Catholic Christians, you may find more answers here...

  2. Take A Levels in Guilt and Bigotry

  3. Regular confession.


    Read the scriptures.


  4. Live the Gospel



    Volunteer for a ministry

    With love in Christ.

  5. Hi Crystal!  Have you given thought to charity work?  I'm sure there are some wonderful opportunities in your area, like homeless shelters and other outreach programs.  I think the best thing we can do as Catholics is give to those who need help and lift those up who need love.  God bless you and great question!

    Praying the Rosary is another thing you can do, there are so many people in this world and the next that need our thoughts, our love, and our prayers.

  6. God has always blessed those who renounced what they loved most for His sake.

    Make a list of your favourite foods. Then promise God that you will never taste them again for as long as you live (to honour him).

    Think of the things you most enjoy doing. Then similarly renounce them.

    s*x is right out.


  7. go to confession.  

  8. Get a copy on line of the Baltimore Catechism, and begin studying it. As you study, keep your Bible open close by so that you can cross-reference. In this way you will be able to follow the RC in true fashion.

    Always remember that if it weren't for the Catholic Church in the first 10 centuries, there would likely be no Christian church at all.

    That said, I converted to Protestant in my 30's.

  9. nope


    No, not feed the poor! Do the will of GOD!  Mark 16: 15 - 18

  11. Get more fully, faithfully, and charitably involved in ALL the work, worship, sacraments, and devotions of the Catholic Church.

    If your parish does not offer suitable opportunities to do that, find another one that does.

    It's also important to become familiar with authentic Catholic theology and philosophy, since without that, you're likely to be easily led astray.

  12. Becareful with traditions sort of like what my church does. We have to say out loud whats in the bulletin and stuff. Make God's commandments your own, and do everything out of faith, knowing you're serving the Father.

  13. Just what these faithful Catholics have told you.

    These are the five stones Our Lady of Medjugorje has given us, to overcome the power and influence of evil and sin in our lives:

    Prayer | Fasting | Reading the Bible | Confession | Holy Eucharist

    And she said "The Holy Mass is the the highest form of prayer", and more important than any of her apparitions.

  14. Kill more jews?

  15. Your question should be "What are some things that i can do to become a better PEARSON".

    At the end that's all that matters.

  16. Drink more Blood & Eat more Flesh  so as to gain eternal Life Ha, Ha, Ha... (Catholic = Vampiric Zombie).

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