
What are some things that i can eat?

by Guest61832  |  earlier

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i just recently became a vegaterian. well, im not sure what type i would be considered, but i eat: chicken, fish, dairy. everything else i dont. what are some vegan foods that i can eat? i know about veggie burgers, tofu, and stuff like that.. but what are some other things?





  1. If you eat chicken and fish, you aren't a vegetarian. You just don't eat red meat. And you certainly aren't vegan (or was that a typo?)

    Salads. Lasagna. Garlic bread. Stir-fries. Fruits and vegetables of any kind.

  2. You can't eat fish and chicken and still be a vegetarian.  You are just a picky eater.  Vegetarians don't eat any meat.

    Vegetarians eat fruit, vegetables, grains (like bread, pasta, crackers and oatmeal), dairy and eggs, beans, legumes, nuts, and a lot of other things...Just no meat.  That is why the base word of vegetarian is veget...It means vegetable.

  3. A)   if you eat chicken or fish you are not a vegetarian, those are animals you are consuming.     check out some veg-recipe sites.

  4. Well you haven't become a vegetarian yet because you're still eating animals, you've only really cut out red meat. Vegetarians (like myself) cut out all animals from their diet - that includes all birds, seafood, game, even insects really. If it's in the animal kingdom, you can't eat it.

    Everything else is okay, especially if you choose to eat dairy and eggs (many vegetarians do, but I don't). Anything that comes from a plant is good, that's what a vegan diet is made of - it goes past vegetarian (with no animals in it - you're not quite there yet yourself) and ventures into no animal products at all - if it's not made from a plant, vegans don't eat it (so no dairy or eggs), and vegans do not purchase products tested on animals or wear leather or other animal products.

    As of yet your diet isn't vegetarian yet, but it would be great if you familiarized yourself with using tofu, beans, whole grains and other plant products, so maybe one day you can successfully cut out all animals from your diet and become vegetarian.

  5. You are not any type of vegetarian.  Vegetarians do not eat dead animals.

  6. Chicken Salad (with the following on it - Grape tomatoes, romaine lettuce, shredded carrots, garlic and butter croutons, red onions, cooked mushrooms - I prefer portabella, and green peppers). Yum!

    ...and vegetarian pizza yum.

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