
What are some things that liberals belive in ? What might make or define a person as "Liberal" ?

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Commonly shared beliefs of liberals ?




  1. I believe in the Republic, the Constitution,the rule of law  and habeas corpus protection.

    I also believe there must be a social safety net and a committment to maintain our infrastructure, such as bridges and roads.

    I also believe the system of justice must be blind, impartial and fair and immune from political influence.

  2. Everyone give a bunch of money to the government (Higher taxes) and in return we all get the same stuff back (**cough** Communism **cough**)

    They believe in murdering of innocent, defenseless babies, yet not of convicted criminals.

    They believe in electing politicians based on race or gender.

    And they all like picking out scapegoats to blame their failures on (such as George Bush)

  3. Here's just a few I can recall:

    - More help for the poor

    - Believes abortions should be legal

    - Wants stricter gun control laws

    - Believes in g*y marriage/civil unions

    - May call for legalization of marijuana for medical purposes

    - Attempts to protect the environment from pollution

    - Overall fair and equal treatment for everyone

  4. there is, i think, a variance between "liberal" and "socialist",

    i think that many socialists are passing themselves off as liberals;

    the gun issue is particularly telling:

    liberals would be for individual liberty and rights, and would be expected to be for gun rights,

    and socialists would be expected to be against gun rights.

    i will not have anything to do with the dems or self labled "liberals" until i have watched them for awhile,  

    I have a lot of common ground with the clasic liberals, but no use whatever for the socialists, who are potentially quite a threat to liberty

  5. Equality for all, minimum standard of living for all, fair justice, safe and clean food, water, air, and products, freedom of speech, reproduction, and lifestyle.

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