
What are some things that may happen in the next 10 million years?

by Guest10653  |  earlier

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What are some things that may happen in the next 10 million years?




  1. Well... nothing will die a virgin since life screws us all.

  2. global warming killing us.

    an meteorite hitting us.

  3. the earth will eventually end up in the sun, we would have to find aother planet to **** up

  4. Smellavision?

  5. Only someone psychic or someone with a time machine would know that.

  6. The sun might go out.

  7. In the next 10 million years, you, me and all other people living today are gonna die!!

  8. someone will discover that an ancient civilization once lived on earth and was technologically capable of saving itself from extinction yet they didn't because there was too much opposition to it. the opposition will be found to have caused disruption of progress over miniscule reasons. if only they had known that their time was short.

  9. we will be dead in the next 200 years or so due to the **** thats going on in the world right now. but to answer your question OCTOPUSES will take OVER THE WORLD MWA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! "lol" i dont know just kidding.

  10. Predictability easily diminshes with time.  This is why they don't let you make a bet with the same odds the day before game seven of the world series as they would allow before tht first game of opening day.  And those "five day weather forecasts" are so much more accurate for the first day than the last.

    I can predict, with almost 100% accuracy that I will type a period by the end of this sentence.  <---  See, I was right!  My accuracy could diminsh a little bit, however, if I claim this answer will get posted in two minutes...  I could have a heart-attack, a power outage, yahoo could have an arror, I could lose my internet connection...

    So predicting 10 million years into the future can only be an educated guess.  

  11. a major asteroid impacts the earth about every 100 million years... the last one was 65 million years ago.... so even 10 million years from now we're still not quite there yet..

    but you can bet money in the next 10 million years we will be hit by a pretty serious one, and quite a few smaller 'city killer' ones... you can expect a pandemic, yellowstone national park to erupt into a super-volcano, pole reversal, major earth quake, a few mega-tsunamis here and there,  

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