
What are some things that the criminal justice system can do to respond to terrorism? Help!?

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I'm stuck on this question. I have to write a large essay about terrorism along with listing 10 ways the criminal justice system can do to respond to terrorism. I wrote the rest already.

I don't understand, can the criminal justice system even respond to terrorism? I thought only the president and such can. This is my 1st college essay so I'm having some troubles.

If you can give me some ideas on how the criminal justice system can respond to it, or help me think of my own ways, or just give me some links that would help a lot.

P.s.- i tried searching this on the internet already





  1. The criminal justice system entails everything from a local police department all the way up to the federal levels such as the CIA and FBI. I'm in the midst of trying to answer the same question. The best thing that I can offer you is to try to research the things the FBI and NYPD and so on did in reaction and response to the 9/11 attacks. I'm skeptical as to if there are even 10 things they can do, but that would be my best advice. Another way to think about it is this....did the police agencies and federal agencies (such as the CIA and FBI) do nothing in response to the 9/11 attacks? Good luck and hopefully we both find all the answers that we're looking for.

  2. That's the problem... that's the *ONLY* thing that the criminal justice system is to *respond* to terrorism.. After an event has already harmed thousands of people or more.

    We need to prevent the terrorist act in the first place, and that is beyond the purview of the Justice System... That belongs to agencies like the CIA or what ever that are empowered to work outside the borders of the US.

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