
What are some things that you have to do in order to make Varsity or JV volleyball? What do coaches look for?

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Hey there.

I just moved to a new state and will be starting school in late August. Im obsessed with volleyball and going to try out. The thing is, my school that i will be attending, is incredable in ALL sports.

I started playing volleyball in 7th grade through only part of my sophmore year because i injured my knees. Im going to be a junior this year and would love to be on jv or varsity.

What are some things that i have to get down inorder to make a team?

Right now im learning my jump serve and hitting. But i dont know anyone from here yet therefore, cannot practice with someone and the camps the my school was holding already happend.

Anyone know anything that i should work on? Any drills, or tips would be wonderful!

Thank you!




  1. Coaches look for:

    1) A killer over hand serve (jump serve is a plus)

    2) Controlled bump and set

    3) Knowing how to use the Bump, Set, Hit strategy

    4) How to Dig and Dive successfully

    5) Know the rules of the game and how to play

    Practice at home:

    1) Find a free wall at your house

    2) Make a mark 7.4 feet feet high on it

    3) Make a mark 30 feet on the ground back from the wall (this is like a high school court)

    4) Practice serving overhand/jump serve from the 30 foot line

    5) Get closer to the wall and practice bumping and setting it to the wall lots of times.

  2. Whenever you're trying out for the team, always have drive and motivation, my volleyball coach (I'm a freshman and started varsity) said he had chosen one kid over another because one was motivated. Just give and honest effort in everything you do in the sport. And some camps/clinics to build the skill to back up that drive never hurt, and they're a blast.

  3. see if u can find anyone on facebook or myspace who goes to your new school. They can tell you more about it, they might even be able to connect you with people on the team. Unfortunately, there are few things you could do to practice on your own, even peppering you need at least one other person. I would watch some videos and watch the defensive player's movement, even when the ball isn't hit to them.

    I would work on jumping. Jump rope, jump onto and off of  high steps, if you can fill a bucket with water, tie a rope to the handle and tie the other end to a round pipe that you can grab, then twirl it up and twirl it down to work on your forearms. For your back, you could use the bucket and swing it over a tree limb and pull the loose end down, like you are hitting a ball. That will build up your hitting shoulder. I hope I explained it well enough. Good luck with everything.

  4. I get asked to help evaluate talent at tryouts.  

    I look for the consistency in the skill that I am asked to evaluate.  Let's say that I am evaluating spiking.  If you blast one ball straight down and hard, 3 hard but barely in the court and 6 hard against the back wall, you are consistent.  But not good.  If I have someone that hits half the velocity and in, that is much more desirable.  

    Too sum it up, I look for:

    1.  Attitude

    2. Consistency

    3.  Attitude

    4. Good serve

    5. Attitude

    6. Good passing

    7. Attitude

    8. Good spiking

    9.  Attitude

    10.  Hustle

    11.  Attitude

    You can guess what I look for more than anything else.  I would rather have a player with medium skills and a top attitude that a world class player with a negative ATTITUDE.  I can work with the players on their skills.  I can not work with a player to change their attitude.

  5. OK first, are you sure they haven't had tryouts yet? most JV and varsity teams have summer league and have tryouts before the previous year ends. if not, then just try your best i guess. since you are a junior, you probably won't make JV but have a good chance of making varsity especially if you get your jump serve down =] just know that instead of always falling, run to the ball and only fall if it is really necessary then you should do good! good luck

  6. be aggressive. my coach loved that i got on the floor for down balls.  call the ball and be loud. dont let another girl over power you and push you out of the way. like i said just be aggressive. if you look like your really serious about the sport, your coach will mosdef notice you

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