
What are some things thatyou do to entertain yourself on those days where there is nothing to do???

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What are some things thatyou do to entertain yourself on those days where there is nothing to do???




  1. go on yahoo answer questions

    go on msn

    read a magazine

    paint my nails

    watch tv


    look at th clothes in my wodrbe and put together fab outfits

    go on me back

    play with pet

    there is louds to do

  2. read.

    draw cartoons (anime-style).

    Study Calculus

    Study Physics

    Study Chemistry


    Surf the web.

  3. drive around

  4. i go online

  5. I go online, read books, watch TV or DVD's, go to movies, walks, and "gasp" housework and pay bills.

  6. I actually can always find something to do.  I do a lot of reading.  Sometimes I walk my dogs or work in the garden, other times I watch some TV or go to a movie.  Other times, like know, I go on the computer to websites like this.  Still at other times I do housework, there is always something to do if you look for it.

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