
What are some things to do on a 15 hour road trip?

by  |  earlier

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ill be riding in the car not driving, and my friend and i don't want to be bored so we were wondering ideas of things to take and do in the car to surpass some time so its not so boring. thanks




  1. Keeping your friend alert might be more important than keeping yourselves entertained?

    1. Snack

    2. Blast Cheesy Music

    3. Play games that uses your mind and don't require props > eg. take turns to name fruits start with the letter A?

    4. Talk about your sexual fantasies / relive past experiences.

    5. Help your friend pluck eyebrows!

  2.'s...dvd's...conversat... game....naps...sing....tell knock knock jokes...see new parts of the country you have never seen before...write dream...sing "100 bottles of beer on the wall"  all the way down to 1...think up a new business for yourselves and write down some ideas for it....write a letter to grandma...cont how many horses you see....keep track of all the license plates you see during the trip to see how many of the states and provinces you can find. . .

    Want any more ideas?

  3. 99 bottles of beer on the wall, 99 bottles of beeeerrrrr.........  lol sing annoying songs the entire way!!! lol

  4. sing. buy bubbles and blow them out the car windows. travel battleship. play "red car vs. blue car", and "i spy". bring a DVD player and watch the muppet show. :D stock up on packets of ketchup and throw them at random people should you stop at red lights. get a few coloring books and a pack of crayons, that always works for a little while. and have a ton of candy ready... road trips are more fun if you are all sugared up. how do i know? it's an 11, 12, or even 14 hr drive from long island, NY, to ann arbor, MI. yeah. bring the candy, you wont regret it.

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