
What are some things to expect when trying to get pregnant?

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My husband and I are ready for kids and just started trying but I'm very curious of what all my body will go through and things I will have to do while pregnant to keep the baby healthy?

When do I first go to the doctor?

Is morning sickness really that bad?

Also, when is the best day of my cycle to try?




  1. you should start taking prenatal vitamins, because after conception (when the egg and sperm meet) you wont miss your period for two more weeks, and that's when the baby is just starting to develop, so its good to start taking prenatals when TTC, you can buy them at basically any store, like walmart, or anywhere with a pharmacy.

    you make an appt with an OB/GYN when you first find out your pregnant, some doctors like to see you right away, and others like to wait a little while.  my doctor made me wait until i was 9 weeks.

    also you should have s*x every day or every other day, some people ovulate different than others, so its best to do it a few times a week.  

    i didn't get morning sickness, but lots of people do. every pregnancy is different.

  2. In the beginning, the best day to try is around 14 days before your next perid, so if your periods are kind of regular, it is going to be easy to tell.

    As for morning sickness, i never had it, and i am a mother of two, however if you do get it, you can eat biscuit first thing in the morning, that helped my sister in law.

    You should go to the doctor as soon as you get a positive pregnancy test, if a pregnancy test is not available, wait until you are a week late then go the doctor, the sooner the better.

    Now about your health and the baby's, these are the instructions that my doctor gave me:

    1. No smoking or alcohol.

    2. No drugs before consulting with your doctor.

    3. No fast food or cold cuts.

    4. No tight clothing.

    As for your body you'll gain around 10 kg through the pregnancy, you'll need more sleep in the first couple of months (this is how i knew i was pregnant), you'll lose less hair, your b*****s will grow bigger and babies will love you.

    Best of luck for you and your husband

  3. stress. that's the main thing. trying to get pregnant would be easier if we women weren't soo obsessed good luck.

  4. If you are TTC it is best to go to the doctor before and get a full physical. But.. I waited until baby was actually conceived.

    Some people never do get morning sickness. I never did.

    Try when you ovulate. If you aren't sure when that is start charting your cycles or use an ovulation predictor kit.

    Good Luck!

  5. yes its better to visit doctor ,take folic acid.use piilow during s*x,take vitamins,eat healthy,no stress,no alcohol,every otherday after ur period is the best time

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