
What are some things to remember when I take my driving exam??

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I live in oklahoma and i really don't know how the instructor grades the driving test.I am suppost to go take it tomorrow,what are some things they will be looking for that i might not have already thought of???




  1. blindfold and loud music

  2. Make sure you show your looking  around blind splots   signal  check your mirrors  control your speed  try to relax . remember this to check your driving dont be upset  if the examiner apears cold

  3. its not good to hit things

  4. After all of the above answers just one more thing:

    Dont STOP or give up half way through!

    The best thing you can do is keep going and get through it.

    Even if you make a mistake and think 'oh no, there goes my licence', you still need to make SAFE decisions and keep going smoothly after you solve the problem. Stalling? No problem, just keep calm, restart motor, look in mirrors, and go. This is what you would be doing if you are alone in your car, anyway and this is what the instructor wants to see, that you are confident in fixing your own mistakes easily and smoothly, without endangering other road users.

    Keeping calm and keep going would be my advice!

  5. Assuming you are taking the driving portion and not the written test #1 would be DON'T Hit Anything or Anyone! After that remember to keep your hands at 10 & 2, use your turn signals, and keep checking your rear view and side mirrors. Go easy on the braking, give yourself plenty of room to stop.

    Good Luck, I'm sure you'll be fine!

  6. Keep both hands on the wheel (unless you are in a stick shift, obviously. Then only take hands off to shift.)

    Be calm and drive smooth. Remember, you ARE trying to impress the person. I messed up three times on my exam, but was so suave about it that she did not mark off any points. Follow ALL traffic laws, even ones that most others don't. DO THE SPEED LIMIT! I cannot stress this enough. Not "5 over" or any of that. Also, do not let your speed vary too much (ex. the speed limit is 55 and you range from 45-55) Keep a constant one, but DONT use cruise control. Be calm, and don't stress over specific things.

  7. Step 1:

    Bring a vehicle for the driving test. The vehicle must have proof of liability insurance, have a valid inspection certificate and pass inspection by the examiner before the driving test is given.

    Step 2:

    Follow the examiner's instructions. The examiner will not try to trick you by asking you to do anything that is against the law.

    Step 3:

    Control your vehicle safely and as directed by the examiner. You must understand and follow all traffic signs, be able to come to a quick stop without skidding the tires, parallel park and back the vehicle safely approximately 50 feet.

    Step 4:

    Observe the other traffic and other conditions around you that might cause problems while you are driving. The examiner needs to see you looking in your mirrors often, watching for other drivers.

    Step 5:

    Demonstrate the ability to stay in your lane of traffic. When approaching intersections, slow down and look both ways even if you do not have to stop. Passing and changing lanes are allowed if you can perform the maneuvers safely.

    Step 6:

    Show your ability to use turn signals appropriately. Remember to use turn signals as directed in the Texas Driver's Handbook.

  8. Seat belt on.  Adjust seat and mirrors. NO RADIO, Start car,

    use signals, Check side view mirror when clear pull out smoothly.  Leave your cell phone home.  Good Luck

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