
What are some things to watch out for in rome????

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im going to rome in a few weeks and ive heard that their culture is very different from american culture...what are some stuff that i should be aware of????? im staying there for about 3-4 days.




  1. You might watch out for this: I hear the Italian men try to pinch girls in the *** right in public!

  2. Watch out for pocket thieves and the terrible traffic, the Romans drive like lunatics! Have a nice visit!

  3. the drivers are crazy, but the pedestrians are crazier! jaywalk like you have been living there forever and you're basically playing chicken.  dont worry though... they will stop for you :)

    i got hit on every 5 mins, plus I heard horror stories about my girl friends getting groped in public. so far, i have only 1 guy friend whose *** got pinched by an old lady in the metro! hehehe

    pick pockets are the ones you really have to watch out for. i was there for 3 weeks and i saw one american after another whose wallet got picked, or a purse that got snatched. they know who the tourists are, and who are the ones not watching their stuff. place your wallet in your front pocket! i left my purse home and opted for a belly belt thingie under my shirt. a must!

    oh. one odd thing. if you dont finish your food, dont ask for a to-go box. they dont know what the heck you're asking for! i did this faux pas and she ended up putting my leftover steak between two slices of bread and wrapping it with paper. she didnt know what to do! poor old lady!

    last thing: dont be loud! or should i say, dont walk around the streets drunk and loud! europeans are pretty snobbish about the loud americans, but unfortunately, i have to agree with them... i have seen it first hand. i could actually pick out the americans from the rest!

    anyway, have fun! rome is a beautiful city!

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