
What are some things to write about on a blog?

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Ideas for topics and things to write about?




  1. chance inconters, because it can be really cool how they end up changing your life, even if its a mear 45 second inconter

  2. I think love or boys or relationships, something like that is a good topic that will get a lot of hits.


  3. Where Humanity is going.

  4. race, relationships, politics,religion, abortion, men, women, g*y marrige, school, life, loss of a loved on, s*x, descrimtion towards women in the work place, racism, ect ect...

  5. You could write something about Sarah Palin. She is a real woman, not exactly like Hillary. Hillary just doesn't have some strong points like Sarah. I love this Sarah woman. A really strong woman, not a theoretical wannabe. Sarah seems like the authentic real deal.

  6. Your day

    Whats new

    Your problems

    Your friends/family/boyfriend/girlfriend

    Your hair


    And movies!!!



  7. I personally have my own blog that I started about 5 or 6 months ago right after I went through a pretty hard break up. It really did help me get through a lot of the pain I was feeling and now I just write about problems I'm having with people in my life or things that are bothering me. Also, since I'm pretty into the indie music scene, I write about my favorite artists who are releasing upcoming albums and such. Here's my blog:

    Maybe you can get some other ideas from it(:

  8. Usually people write about their day and things you don't usually say out loud and extremely boring or about how you hate life. Here is a great example for a boring blog.

    I just woke up and am so mad because it's Saturday morning, I just wanted to sleep in. grrr. i'm so mad! blah blah blah. hmmm. I think I will eat some pancakes. WHoa i just saw a commercial for the new movie House Bunny. I want to see that movie sooo bad! If anyone wants to take me to the movies you can, and if you want to pay you can too... haha jk. well i have to go eat my pancakes now yum. goodbye for now. i am going to call my friend Ashley to see if she will see House Bunny with me tonight. Goodbye.

    here is one about hating life.

    i hate life. my life sux so bad. why cant someone just stab me. would you cry if i died? i wonder that a lot. would anyoen really care if i died right now? boys suck. my only friend is my invader zim backpack. why am i writing in this stupid blog? it's not like anyone cares to read this. Goodbye... hopefully forever. X..x.X..x.mE.x..X.x..X.x..X

  9. about interesting websites, or downloads.

    Be very thoughtful before witting a blog, people want something new, fresh, and interesting.

    I write about life quotations, or very pleasant opinion about media or society.  

  10. i usually write down my dreams that i've had :P or my plans for the week, or a bit of information about myself and my life =]

  11. *religious views*

    *political views*

    *what dreams mean to you*

    *who you hate and why*

    *your best memory*

    *something it bothers you*

    *the environment*


    *your dog*

    lol whatever you feel like writing  

  12. why am i so retarded? I can't even think about what to write on a blog.

    that should b your blog. trust me people are going to discuss seriously with you.

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