
What are some things you like about Kyle Busch?

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I like his talent and personality. Kyle is such a nice dude and people got their blinders on and can't see it and are jealous of his skill behind the wheel.

Lets give Kyle some props, what are some things you like about him? If you dont like anything, don't answer.




  1. ATTITUDE and driving style. He occasionally ticks me off but for some reason I can never stay upset with him. I can't stand some of these guys that just roll over and settle for finishes. Thats why I like guys like Kyle, Kevin, and Tony. They are REAL race car drivers and you always know there going to give it 110% until the checkers wave.

  2. What I like about Kyle Busch is....

    1. He's magic on the wheel.

    Since his debut in the Busch Series in the #87 car, he has been able to pilot his automobile in a way that NOONE else has. Three, four, five wide, threading needles. Drivin on arpons, working grooves and driving with confidence.

    2. He's matured with time.

    No one can pick up a guitar and play 'Stairway to Heaven' or 'Layla', but Kyle has proven over time that he has mastered the ability to pilot top level stockcars. Sure he's wrecked some, and caused a few on his way. However the average age of the entry level top level driver has dropped dramatically. Dale Sr. was in his late 20's, Gordon was in his mid-twenty's and now Kyle and Joey Logano have ushered in the age of the early 20's/late teens. Over time Kyle has gone from easily being labeled a 'brat' to a TOTAL team player and all around talent. It's not just equipment, it's the man (not the boy) behind the wheel. People that don't like him are having a hard time calling him arrogant, when he thanks everyone on the team after a win

    3. He has stepped up his charitable donations. I wish he did more signings and meet & greets. I'm a Kyle Busch Fan Club member and I haven't been able to meet him face to face yet, however I'd rather that he won races than went to exhausting promotional appearances. Promo appearances are for people on their way to retiring.

    4. I like Kyle because other fans love to bash him. 'Toyota has more HP than Chevy, put him in a Ford and let's see how well he does!'....I've heard similar arguments from fan of every manufacturer for years. Dale Sr. used to complain that Ford had an advantage, but he still beat Jarrett. NASCAR Cup level racing is about overcoming. If you want parity, start a petition for the IROC series to return....and Kyle would win that too. Kyle could win a shopping cart race. If people are bashing you then you must be doing something right, and its funny to watch people get their panties in a bunch because he is ahead of their driver every week it seems.

    5. Kyle's fun on the radio. Having gone to see a few races live and listen to Kyle's channels, he is downright hilarious to listen to. Complaining about his set up, complaining about other drivers, complaining about whatever. Kyle races to win, not finish 2nd.

    6. He's the Magic Man. No more 'Shake and Bake'!

    7. He sent me a personalized autographed hero card when I signed up for his Official Fan Club at you can get one too!

    8. His sense of humor. He gets booed? Embrace it and turn it back on the fans/haters! He doesn't apologize for going for the win. He's gotten the lead in ways he didn't think was fair (Biffle) and given it back. When's the last time you saw something like that???

    9. He's more fun to watch than your favorite driver. It's true. deal with it.

  3. I like his kitchen.

  4. His spirit, determination and personality..

  5. Well I like his personality for one. Why? Well, he has a great sense of humor, and doesn't take everything so serious like some drivers do, until he steps into the racecar, then it's all business. People have this perception of him being cocky or arrogant, but he's really not. He's very down to earth and does a lot of charity work, and gets along great with children, and helps others in need. I truly believe he works harder than any other Sprint Cup driver, and we see the benefits of that this season. He has more determination than any driver I've ever seen. It's funny how many people think he's cocky and stuff, but don't research it to really find out what he does off the track, and how down to earth he is.

    I like his talent, too, of course. I like the fact that he has all that talent, and the determination to go with it to win races. He has the fire in his belly, and his goal is to go out and win every race he can, instead of just cruising around trying to salvage points. He's balls to the wall, and is the most fun driver to watch. Busch can squeeze into tight spots on the race track and always seems to pull it out. Last night was a great example of him putting his talent to use. Jimmie Johnson clearly had the fastest car, but Kyle went to the outside for the first time during the race, and got it to stick. He didn't give Jimmie an inch and Johnson broke lose allowing Kyle to clear him. He just flat outdrove Jimmie, and that's saying a lot because Jimmie is one of the best.

    Also, the restart that Kyle got behind Jimmie was awesome. Back when I raced go karts, a good driver in the second place spot would do the same thing in kart racing to get a good jump and go for the win. Kyle knew that, and said he took tips from his "short track racing days" on that restart to get by Johnson. It's the same technique that great drivers use all over the country on their local tracks to get great restarts.

    I don't see any reason for people to dislike Kyle other than he is winning, and their driver isn't. Of course, people wouldn't admit that straight out, so they come up with other reasons.

    People keep waiting for Kyle Busch's "luck" to run out, but what they don't realize is that he has matured a lot the past couple of seasons, and now knows how to take what he can get, and make the most out of it without getting caught up in wrecks. He's a great fit at JGR with Addington as a mentor.

    Kyle just turned 23 in May, so if people think he's in his prime now, they haven't seen anything yet...I can't wait to look back on what he has done 10 years from now.

  6. His talent and agressiveness.  You can't win races if you are not agressive.

  7. he drives just like Dale Sr.

  8. I like his giant EARS !

  9. hummmmm....let me think....hummmmm...NOTHING.........

    he's winning alright..he might have really good luck......but that isn't a good 'enuff reason to like him!

  10. I like his last name

  11. he does have talent and that's all that he has

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