
What are some things you wish you did before having a baby?

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My husband and I are getting really really baby hungry, but I am nervous to have a child so young (23). We both feel we are ready to be parents, but I don't want to rush into it, and regret things I didn't do before I had a child.

What are some things you wish you had done before you got pregnant? Finish school? Vacations? Jobs? Moving? Finance?

I graduated and have a job. My husband is still in school. We are mildly okay financially. Should he finish school? Does is make a difference?





  1. I wish I would have traveled more because once youhave a baby, your world stops for quite a while.  And definitely finish school!

  2. i thought the same thing!  i was worried i would miss out on something if i had a baby. iam 10 weeks pregnant and i still think about that stuff but me and my hubby wanted this baby soooo bad that none of that stuff matters! u can still do all those things with a baby, it might be harder but nothing will bring u more joy than that little baby of yours:) if u both want it, go for it!

    And by the way iam 22:)

  3. I think he should finish college  first.  I was in my last year when my daughter was born and it was so hectic and i felt like my foucus was spilt.

    Other than that i was happy with the timing. We were married awhile did some traveling and we will do more with our daughter.  We even went out of the country before she was born.  I felt that i was ready and it has been great. We planned to have her and got pregant right away

  4. I just wish I had bought a house.  My husband and I had finished school, had good jobs, traveled a bit and enjoyed each other so we were ready for a family.  We now have two kids but we are in an apartment.  I live in Southern California so buying a house here is very expensive.

  5. won the lotto

  6. I am about your age, and have many friends our age with children, married and not. I highly recommend that your hubby finishes school before you plan for a child, it is so much less of a burden in all areas, having a baby with two working parents is stress enough. This will also allow you to stay home on maternity leave instead of worrying about getting back to work. There is never a "perfect" time to have a child, I see some people planning so much that they will never come to a point in their lives where they will have everything "just right". But you are young and have plenty of time. I am so glad to be a mother, and it was thrust on me a little...I say just take it easy, save up some money and take some romance-filled vacations and party a little before you commit to a life filled with early, sleepless nights and expensive babysitters. I've seen many of my friends succum to the baby itch before really having a chance to be carefree young 20 somethings. I have to quams about being a mother, but I was also completely partied out, I had enough fun trips to the beach to get me through all the nights I have to tell my friends "sorry, I know I haven't seen you in a while but I need to get home to pay the sitter!"

  7. finish school


    dream house


  8. Finish school and take an exotic vacation (to a place where babies wouldn't be convenient).  Also go to an amusement park with large, vertical or upside-down rides, and have a ball.  Till the kiddo's in his teens and can go on them with you (if you like that sort of thing) it won't be happening unless you leave him/her with grandma or someone else.  Once the bouncing baby arrives, there's no going back to having fun as just a twosome, not that babies and kids aren't loads of fun.

  9. I wish I travelled more.  I was 30 and my husband was 37 when we had our first baby (6 months ago), so we were already financially stable, finished college/grad school, owned a home, living in the city of our choice, etc.  I'm able to be a stay-at-home-mom, which is something that probably wouldn't be possible if we had a baby before we were financially secure.  

    If you're living where you want to live and have a good income that allows you to live comfortably, then go for it. But, if i were you, I would wait a little bit longer..... at least until he graduates and has the job he desires. good luck!

  10. Nothing.      Having a family brings more joy and happiness to you than I could have possibly imagined.  

    With that said, I think one should be wise and plan and prepare.     I just would say don't postpone it too long.   You be missing out on the fun of being a parent.  I love it!

  11. hey, you sound just like me... i just had a baby on april 24th.  im 23, had just graduated college, and my husband and i got married in december (after we found out i was pregnant)

    and although we rushed into everything, and none of it was planned, i know that i wouldnt have done it any other way.. i'm the kinda person who waits til the last minute, and who procrastinates.. i also was afraid of commitment.  i think it was god's way of tellin me hey... you're ready for this baby - and you're not gonna put off moving to the next stage in your life any longer..

    i guess i wish i wouldve been a little further in my career, maybe got married FIRST so i couldve had a more eventful honeymoon... but either way, i'm glad i will be young and around long enough for my baby.. he's amazing, and i'm so happy with the way things turned out.

    if you finished school, and you feel financially secure.. go for it.  neither of us r extremely well off, and yeah we both have college degrees from UNLV, but we're just getting by, and loving every minute of it :)

    good luck... and when the time is right, it'll happen

  12. well i now am a mother of 4beautiful daughters,i wish i would of  got tin married  first,and then planed my children but ,for you guys follow your own hearts  anyone can  tell u anything,it is the best thing in the world to have a baby and family.i would try to do everything u can to make a good futUre  for u and ur children to be,i wish u both all the luck take one day at a time.everyone is different so follow your own hearts okay

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