
What are some tips for a good nights sleep?

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im talkin restful, consistant sleep through the night.

i have trouble w wakin up on and off and not bein able to fall back asleep. any suggestions?




  1. warm shower and warm milk.

    if all else fails watch conan o'brien!!

  2. i have the same problem. i try to just keep my eyes shut, and try moving to the other end of the bed or on the floor when you wake up.

    other wise i dont really know

  3. well do some type of activity in the afternoon like around 6 or soemthing. and make sure you get really tired,adn when bed time comes youll so tired youll just knock out.thats what i do when i come back from the gym.ohh and drink milk it help.warm milk

  4. smoke a bowl

  5. watch tv or drink hot milk ukkkkkkkkkkkkk

  6. Oh, been there, done that. What helped me:

    warm glass of milk(believe it or not, it tastes good after awhile) or sleepytime tea

    a 1/2 glass wine if ur old enuf

    close ur eyes and count sheep or think over ur day

    melatonin vitamins, help alot

    stay in dark room to sleep

    turn a fan on and snuggle in a blanket

    calming music like the ocean (death cab 4 cutie and augustana are my favorites to sleep, just keep it low)

    turn off the  computer/tv b4 trying to sleep... dont eat 2 hrs near bedtime

    exercise ahead of time, but not directly b4 to tire u out

    read a good book until ur eyes can no longer stay open


  7. meditation

  8. nyquil bedtime is wonderful after a hot bath

  9. take nyquil

    an dont drink tea be4 bed

  10. My Aunt had that same problems, ask the doctor what sleeping pills will work, if none work, ask them to do a test on you (they study your brain while your sleeping) and then they'll be able to fix it. :)

    Also Warm milk helps for me, get a glass of milk and microwave it for 30-50 seconds

  11. counting sheep

  12. First the obvious things... Don't drink coffee, tea or other stimulants within several hours of bedtime. Take a hot bath before bed. Drink warm milk. These things help you to fall asleep in the first place.

    To stay asleep... try ear plugs, in case you are being awakened by house-noises in the night. Otherwise, if you're lying there awake for more than 30 minutes, get out of bed. Walk around the house, go to the toilet, perhaps a cup of chamomile or peppermint tea to soothe you. Read a book or a magazine for 15 minutes, then go back to bed and try again. But don't stay in bed if you are tossing and turning, because it just makes it worse.  You pretty much have to start over. I read in bed, I find it makes me sleepier and lets me sleep much better, perhaps it's a kind of self-hypnosis.

    If all else fails, see your doctor or pharmacist. There are over-the-counter medications that can help you stay asleep, but these are only meant for occasional use.

    If the problem continues and you are suffering from sleep deprivation, you really need to see a doctor.

  13. What always works for me is a comfy pillow and some nice scented candles around my bed ..

    It always seems to keep me asleep. :P

  14. jerk off in bed

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