
What are some tips for college?

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Im gonna be a freshman in college. I was just wondering what are some little things you wish you knew before you went into college?




  1. 1. I wish I had known how to balance eating all of that delicious food in college with exercise. The "freshmen 15" (15 pounds) was not easy to lose at the


    2. I wish I had known the consequences of having to share a bathroom with 20 other girls (the most unpleasant experience of my life).

    3. I wish I had fully understood the independence and freedom I'd been given in college, and utilized them more wisely.

    4. I wish I'd known that absolutely no one would care about me going to class the way they do in high school.

    5. I wish I could've been shielded from the fact that some girls in my class were sleeping with the professor for higher grades.

    6. I'm glad I bought a TV.

    7. I'm glad I bought a small refrigerator.

    8. I wish I had known to always make a friend who commutes, as they will give you free rides in their car around campus and to local stores.

    9. I wish I had understood how wealthy some of my roommates were (some were paying $47,000 a year in cash or check).

    10. I wish I had known how much I would have to adjust and evaluate my personal morals and religious beliefs. College campuses are notorious for "opening your mind" (but this is not always a good thing).

    11. I wish I had balanced my social life and academic life more. I studied all the time and went to two parties my entire college career.

    12. I wish I'd known that most colleges kick the students out of the dorms for holidays, and put students with no where to go in an expensive hotel (the student pays for).

    13. I'm glad I joined

    14. I wish I'd known textbooks would cost me around $600 total a semester, and that when I sold them back I would barely get $200 total. Always buy used textbooks!

    15. I wish I hadn't been so scared. There was nothing to fear.

    16. I wish I hadn't taken such challenging courses my first year (take it easy that year).

    17. I wish I had known to bring at least $50 of quarters with me to do my laundry.

    18. Lastly, I wish I had been prouder of my accomplishments.

    Congratulations on your acceptance into college. I wish you all the best.

    Break a leg!

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