
What are some tips for going into the 9th grade?

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I'm going into high school this year and I wanted to know if there are any other important things I should know?




  1. The only tip you really need is to remember oneeee thing:

    Don't become a w***e.

    Other than that, make sure if you do well and get good grades. Start out your high school years with a high GPA. Even though it is your first year of high school, colleges still will look at your grades from your freshman year.

    And remember, have fun! It's high school, it's not supposed to be all boring. Well, have fun to an extent. Don't do anything you wouldn't normally do just to fit in.


  2. Be yourself. Dont try to be somebody your're not.

    and dont mess up your reputation to early... because you're be there for another 3 years. And they will remember you for that. So choose your friends wisely.


  3. GET YOUR DRIVER"S LICENSE as fast as you can!

    seriously though,  i waited till i was almost 18.  

    your life really doesn't start until you can drive.

    also find start thinking about a career now instead of when your a senior.  i regret that one more than any other regret i have.

    oh and don't trust seniors the first day, they liked to pull tricks on us 9th grades when i was there.

    Good Luck :)

  4. After experiencing 9th grade last year, i have come up with a few good tips.

    1. stay AWAY from drugs and drama, they only make the whole high school experience worse

    2. get involved. if you join clubs and sports you will have more friends and be more outgoing

    3. just be yourself. nobody likes someone who tries to be someone their not. Trust me, it shows.

    Thats all I got. good luck with the 9th grade!

  5. Stay true to yourself.  Focus on academics and remember the friends you have in 9th grade--most of them will not be around once you graduate.  I think 9th grade is more difficult on the peer issues, your subjected to more social situations, dating begins, driving begins.  Try to live less in the moment and know that a split second decision could change your tomorrow forever.

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