
What are some tips for potty training my 2 year old?

by  |  earlier

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She has the idea of going on the toilet. She will come to me and tell me peepee, but when i take her to the toilet she does nothing. When she gets off and comes back out, she goes immediately.

I have been trying the pull ups and she treats them like diapers. My first daughter was easy as pie, and as a matter of fact, I stopped buying her diapers on her second birthday. My daughter is 2 years and 4 months. I really need some good tips to help her along please.




  1. I am going thru the same thing with my 23 month old. She will tell me she has to potty. I take her to the bathroom sit her on the potty. I will be there for like 10-15 minutes, which is a long time to just sit there and she will do nothing. Right when she gets up she uses it on herself. I don't know if this is sign that she's not ready or what. Thanks for asking the question

  2. sit her on the toilet untill she pees.. dont let her off... and if she does give her a piece of candy :)

    even if it takes to like 30 mins... let her wait she needs to do it in the toilet

  3. I'd make her stay on the toilet until she does her buisness. Eventually, her bladder will release, so when she says she has to pee, take her in, and keep her there until she goes. Talk to her and make her at ease while she's doing it so she won't neccessarily be concentrating on the task at hand, so to say.

  4. Maybe you can try by stimulating what he likes and mixing it with potty time. There is a great site which some pottys that do not appear that way for a child here is a link of one

  5. Well my son turned two in July and he is going on his potty but I have to let him be naked around the house and he will run and use it on his own. So maybe try and let her run around with just a shirt on that's what I do and I did that for about a week and a half and now he can have under ware on and he knows to tell me he has to go because he cant pull them down on his own. Also never use pull ups because they are just like a diaper and they don't do the job to helping them learn.

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