
What are some tips for trying out for a volleyball team?

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Im going to high school next year and I want to try out for volleyball. I just wanna know some tips and what I need to practice to at least make the team.




  1. practice with some people who are also interested in trying out.  improve with them and do hitting drills, serving drills and setting drills with everyone.  

    during tryout, just show the coaches that you have the energy and the willingness to learn.

  2. Figure out what your position is. Because most likely, the coach will , and expect an answer. Practice all summer long! Even just thinking about it can help! At tryouts, dont be mean or OVER competitive, its good to be competitive, but if you get toooo over competitive, coaches may think that having you on the team will onnly hurt it. Also, have a positive attitude the whole way through. Coaches like people who are positive. Even if you are not the best player out there, if you are positive, it helps. Dont be self absorbed either becuase coaches will probably think you have an attitude and are a brat. Lots of luck! I am trying out tooo!!!!

  3. For one...the number one rule is to tryout. You will regret it later and become a loser like me a non-volleyball junior. Just try hard and be yourself. If you were on the volleyball team in middle school or were on any volleyball teams then you have a big advantage and use it at your best. Good luck.

  4. First or all....go to your local sports store and invest in a decent volleyball...not one of those hard cheap plastic ones.  We used Tachikara balls in the league I used to play on.  They're made of sturdy leather and last a long time.

    If you have access to a gym or a place where you have a smooth surface (not concrete or asphalt since it will chew up the leather ball), in front of a wall, practice hitting the ball on the floor which bounces off the wall back into hitting position again.  Use only our hand with some snapping wrist action.  Bumping is very important to the team so practice that skill can do that on your own or practice with someone else...then you can alternate bumping and spiking to each other.

    During the tryouts, make sure you stretch don't want to pull a muscle or twist an ankle when you jump up at the net trying to spike or block a ball.   Oh yeah, don't forget to buy some kneepads too...if you're going to impress them, you gotta dive for some balls too...skinned knees hurt like a mutha so be prepared!

    Good luck with the tryouts!

  5. Coaches look for basic skills. Make sure you can pass a serve and hit CONSISTANTLY. Consistantly is a very important word. A player that is consistant is ideal. Also a player that has good control is ideal. Don't worry about impressing the coaches. Just do your best.

    And remember. Bring a smile, and a winning attitude. Attitude can make or break a players chances.

    Good Luck.

  6. Ah,i just finished freshman year of v-ball so i was in ur spot before.  when i first started out,my hitting was really bad but i always gave my 110% and i ended up winning PPOD(practice player of the day) during tryouts and i made the team. so my advice to you is this:  give your 110% and everything else will fall into place.  coaches care more about work ethic than talent,i can tell you that much.

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