
What are some tips on being mentally and physically ready for a auto motor race?

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How to get prepared for a Go-Kart race. Physically-mentally




  1. Pee-Wee Leauge You Dont Say! First You Relax Clear Your Head, You Look At The Prettiest Woman There And Picture Making Love To Her!, Than Your Ready To Race

  2. do some stretches, go ride a bike, eat a light healthy breakfast, make sure you go to the bathroom ( duh ) take a shower, and if your nervous before you get in your ride, squeeze on some spring loaded handgrips and jump up and down before you get in your ride, and think "fast, precision, and traction" Don't eat too much before you race, because you can always pig out afterwards, and hopefully be celebrating a good run

  3. The key for me is to just relax and to not to get to nervous. Just to go out there and hit your marks. JUst relax when your about to go out and get in to the zone. If theres ever cautions try and left up your visor and breath.

  4. I drive a stock car so what I do maybe a bit different but:

    I didn't do much physically except I got a lot of rest the day before hand and I drank a lot of water so I didn't get a head ache.  On my fist few races I started scratch and it kept me out of trouble and really was a smart move until I got the hang of things.  Mentally I plan out exactly what I am going to do lap by lap.  I figure out who is in front of me how I can pass them and who is behind me and how I can hold them off.  When I am in stageing I like to be left alone so I can collect myself and get "in the zone."

    Hope this helps!  Good luck!

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