
What are some tips on how to keep kindergarten kids under control?

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im going to be helping out at the local daycare this summer and i need some tips on how to keep the kids under control....... im with kids going into kinder




  1. 1) Never ever raise your voice!

    2)Love them all!

    3) Get on your knees! To their level, face to face!

    This works wonders! Eye to eye is best!

    They will tell you all!!

    God bless and best of luck!

  2. If you offer them many choices, keep them busy and interested in activities, it should cut down on the "under control" worries.  Most of the time, when kids are "acting out", they're bored.  They're expected to sit too long, stand in line too long, wait too often.  They're expected to keep playing with the same old toys in the same old locations day after day.  

    I don't agree that you have to have a loud, authoritative voice.  I've discovered that clapping, ringing a bell (sparingly) or even whispering with an animated expression on your face, can get their attention.  At our school district, if a teacher/principal raises his/her hand, it is a sign for silence.  

    I agree - speaking to them on their level is a wonderful idea.  So is giving them clear, consistent expectations and consequences.

  3. The person that said never raise your voice is crazy. I'm not saying yell at the kids but you need to have a loud authoratative voice. Kids respond to that and realize that you are in control. Also, give them commands and don't ask them to do things. For example, if you want them to sit down at their seats, say, "Alright, now its time for us to sit down at our seats" instead of "Do you want to sit at your seats now?" If you ask a question, you give them the opportunity to disobey you because you will have a kid that says no. Also make things fun and interesting. Like tell some of them to line up like bunnies and others like mice. They love that.

  4. reward them if they are good. give them a piece of candy if they behave or make them sit in a time out if they are being bad.

  5. Give them different prizes for different things they do.  If they are bad, take away some of their privaleges.   Perhaps if they're good, make them a helper for a day.  You could also do some group activities to keep them all at the same pace and all together.

  6. Do keep the routines extremely predictable. State things in the positive and remind them before you walk out the door.  "Tell what kind of feet do we use."  You'd want them to say "Walking feet."  That sort of thing.

    Try to follow the routines that the current teacher has going on.  It'll make your life and their lives easier.  

    Don't expect them to wait for long times in the hallway or other places without getting ancy. It's not developmentally appropriate.  Learn some active games for those moments like Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes, Simon Says or Itsy Bitsy Spider.

    Talk nicely to the parents always.  Earn their respect and they will make sure their kids are on their best behavior!

  7. Have a predictable routine and follow it.  Have consistent, east to remember rules with logical and predictable consequences and follow them.  That age really thrives on routine and structure, it makes them feel secure and in control of their surroundings.

  8. Catch them being good

    Choice among activites (open centers)

    If the make a "mistake" you can talk about good choiches versus bad choices

    talk to them at their level/ look them in the eye

    If the kid wiggle at circle say "I like how Clara is sitting so nicely" they will all try to sit nicely like Clara

    Be firm from the beginning then less firm later

    They will test you at first

    Go over the class rules/routines OFTEN

    Routine is VERY important

    Reward w/ stickers

    Ring a bell/sing a song to get attention

    This also works if you can hear me clap your hands

    Keep the student engaged once they are bored they go crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Talk to the students/get to know them

    We sing a little songs for clean up &  line up time

    Kids  that age love to please the teacher so have them "help" you

    Make transitions quick and fast and fun i.e. line up if you are wearing red or line up if you name begins with R...........

    Make sure the children know the consequences if the misbehave

    We have clean up & quiet contest among the tables to see which table is the quitest or the cleanest table

  9. we have a bell we ring when things are too loud and out of control -it means freeze - when they are frozen and silent, we can talk to them about being too loud for indoors, etc.  We also have a quiet carpet where everyone has to go for one minute (we watch the second hand go around one time) in silence.  when things get out of control, children get hurt - it needs to be anticipated and stopped before it gets out of control - good luck.

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