
What are some tips on saving electricity?

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What are some tips on saving electricity?




  1. unplug things that aren't commonly used, they draw energy even when they're just sitting there.

    also, turn things off when your not using them

    keep your house a few degrees warmer in the summer, i bet you wont even notice the difference

    turn the brightness down on your TV, computer, etc.

    use energy efficient lightbulbs, they're just about the same price


  3. Turn off fans, lights and other things that may be running in a room when you aren't in there. If you have a window A/C for the bedroom, turn it off during the day. Use the grill instead of the oven. Don't leave the tv on if you aren't watching it. Shut down the computer at night. Pretty much this: if you aren't using it, turn it off.

  4. Switch of any lights or electrical equipment when you go away from a room.   Do not leave electrical equipment (TVs, 'puters, etc.) on standby overnight - switch them off at the mains.   Use energy saving light bulbs.   Do you really need a freezer - they are juice hogs, but in some cases are needed.

  5. If your hot water heater is electic, turn down the temperature on it. Unplug appliances that are not in use - many appliances drain electricity even when they are not being used. Make sure the temperature on your refrigerator isn't set too low. Get an programmable thermostat for your heating and AC - it costs more at first, but saves lots in the long run. Use an electric fan in the summer to move the air around so the house feels cooler than it is. During the summer make sure you put blankets on your bed and run the AC colder during the night to cool down the house when there is less call for electricity by everyone - the cold start in the morning means that the house will need less electricity to stay cool during the day.

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