
What are some tips & remedies to relieve pain from abrasions caused from birthing a child?

by Guest60420  |  earlier

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(And tips/remedies for faster recovery)




  1. Baths are definitely a must.  But, of course, with a newborn baby you may not have many chances to take a bath.  

    Frozen witch hazel pads!  These were the best for me.  I put them in the freezer (refrigerator would be fine too) and everytime I changed my pad I would put a couple on top.  They were so relieving.

    I know how bad it hurts to pee so get a squirt bottle and fill it with warm water and squirt it on yourself as you pee.  After you do it a few times and figure out the best spot to aim it will relieve the pain while peeing almost completely.

  2. All of these are good solutions.  To them, I would add the following:  1)  Expose your v***a to sunlight for a little while every day.  This truly does help.  2)  You could try using comfrey salve (and this is my favorite for the inevitable diaper rash with the baby, as well.)  3)  Apply olive oil to your puss, it really helps.  4)  Take homeopathic Arnica tablets 4 tabs/4x/day.  5)  I used to pee in the bath for awhile during the earliest part of my son's life.  He weighed 8'6" and kinda ripped me up good all inside.  I usually say I skidded him out.  No rips, just some nasty big abrasions...He's 6', 200 something pounds these days and a rugby player/monster snowboarder/cutie pie/wonderful man who picks me up and puts me where he wants me  ("Outta my way, woman...!", he says.).  He looks like a Greek warrior, only taller and more handsome.   6) You can try a sitz bath w/ Epsom salts, too, or a chlorophyll plaster.  7)  Believe it or not , smushed up tofu applied as a plaster directly to your bum helps as well, but this may be a bit messy for some ladies.  It's wonderfully cooling.  Blessings upon you, new mommy!  The immediate pain will be over soon!  Witch hazel compresses are a great help, too!

  3. Try gently applying warm olive oil on the abbrassions several times a day.

  4. take or sit in some warm water for at least 20 mins so many times aday to sooth the pain,, it will help..and will help you heal faster and feel lots better. make the water temperature to what feels best to you..

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