
What are some tips to get better sleep?

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I want to sleep more sound at night. I don't have a problem getting to sleep, I just want better sleep. How can I do this?




  1. pl check these tips

  2. make sure your bed is all made up the way you like it and this may sound crazy but,if your room is messy(or the room you sleep in it may be harder to sleep)(for me it is)and make sure your not hot or anything and also make sure you are comfortable and not stressed out!

    Hope it helped!

  3. Free your mind before sleep. you will sleep better.

  4. Better pillow

    Softer Mattress

    Drink something warm before you go to bed it doesn't have to be bad maybe green tea or something it will keep you relaxed

    Sleeping pills maybe

    ear plugs

  5. Make sure you are well relaxed and not going to bed on full stomach. The right mattress is also very important.

    It also helps to reserve the bedroom exclusively for sleeping - watch TV or read books in another room so that your mind and body appropriately expect to engage in sleep and nothing else in the bedroom.

    Some people feel more "comfortable" at night with a little light on or a radio playing but these contribute to general restlessness and can interfere with REM sleep, so once you get used to the dark and silence doing without these things will help.

    Lastly, good air exchange in the bedroom makes for sounder sleep. Crack a window a little if your room is situated to get some cross-ventilation or use a small fan on low speed to move the air a bit.

    Good luck!

  6. I have problems with sleeping but getting to sleep.  However, to get better sleep, I would not advise pills, they aren't good and you can get addicted to them.  Instead have a routine before you go to bed, have a bath, warm drink, and try not to do any tough exercise or work an hour before bed, try to read a book or watch mindless tv, not something that will upset you or make you think too much.  Also, think about your bedroom, is it too hot, cold, light, dark, noisy??  All these can affect sleep.  Lastly, this is something that might not be able to be changed but try to have your bedroom as a place where you literally just sleep, try not to do work in there at all.

    I've found that all these things have helped me, so good luck!

  7. make sure you are comfortable, your bed is free of a mess, dark room, cool air, nature sounds/ocean sounds or even white noise. i have even used relaxation cd's. and if i wake up i put it back on right away. use the restroom also before bed, seems like once you get up its harder to fall back asleep. or if you wake up do your own relaxation right away, tell yourself to relax your legs, arms and so on. good luck  

  8. sleeping pills will help.

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