
What are some tips to help get a guy to like you?

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What are some tips to help get a guy to like you?




  1. Alright.  First off, this may be harsh but its true, that looks matter.  It's a shame that looks are a factor but its true and I wish it wasn't.  So for the looks, just be yourself but add something a little nicer (not insinuating your ugly).  Make a guy think, what if I went out with her?

    Now for the stuff that really counts.

    You have to flirt with them.  Do it in a playful sort of way and get their attention.

    Smile at them.  When I see a girl smile at me I'm just lost, it really helps.

    Body language says everything, if you look pissed off, he will most likely not want to engage in a conversation.  If you look friendly, then your chances are higher.

    BE YOURSELF! Thats a number one rule.  Guys will suspect it anyways if your not but think, do you want him to go out with you or someone else that isn't you?

    One other girl said about the trust thing.  My two cents on that.  Well, whenever I hear that I immediatly know that I am liked.  But not all people know, besides its a really good tactic to make a guy feel he's important to you.  I advise caution on that, but once when you get to know him better, feel free to say that because he will feel special.

    Don't rush and don't get your friends to pressure him.  Thats what we hate above all else.  When your friends come yelling at us to make us go out with her.  It makes us feel uneasy with your friends, uncomfortable and very pissed off.  If we know we don't want to go out with you, then don't bother.  It's harsh but its true.  

    Just talk to him, call him, do whatever.  Socialize.  You'll be a lot closer that way.  

    If you're not interested in something he does (like lets say he plays hockey), let him be aware that you are not a big fan of hockey but you support him.  

    If he smokes, drinks etc. there is no crime telling him to not do it around you.  Your a woman and he should respect your opinions.

    Never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever tell him how you feel over txt/IM.  Phone is okay and will work, in person is the best way to tell him.

    Well I hope I helped.  Good luck!

  2. these are the steps that worked for me

    1. make a list of what you want in a guy and see how many the guy is

    2. talk to him for about 2 weeks

    3. after two weeks become his friend and hang out some more

    4. after 1 week, slip into a conversation (you have to be alone for this one) that he is the only guy that you feel comfortable around.


    if he is freaked about what you just said, laugh and say it is because he is your friends not because you like him, then repeat steps 2 - 4


    Do not repeat over 3 times or he might think you are some freak, he might not be interested in you

  3. Flirt with them!

  4. I agree, flirt

  5. Talk to him and become his friend.

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