
What are some tips to let casting directors remember you in an interview or audition?

by  |  earlier

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I have an interview with an agency today and just for future reference....




  1. Kyle's answer above is superb, but I'd like to add one thing -- if you have an excellent sense of humor, try to make them laugh.  This will help establish yourself as someone who truly enjoys their work, and people always want to work with someone who is pleasant and relaxed rather than uptight and ultra-serious -- and God knows, there are enough of them in the business as is.

  2. Make an impression! That's what it's all about. Wear something that sticks out a bit, but not too much (no freaky costumes!).

    Be sure to let your true personality show through. They'll notice right away that you're being yourself and that's what they'll want.

    Be polite. Manners are always something that can help you stick out in a good way. Even just asking them how they are and react to what they say, they'll know you're interested in them and they'll be sure to return the favor.

    Smile for heavens sake! Too often people don't smile in situations like that and they bring the mood right down. If the mood in the room is a positive one that will reflect on you. Everyone remembers someone that makes them feel good.

    Confidence and comfort. Don't wear something you feel uncomfortable in and make sure that you're prepared as much as you can be so that your not nervous. Most people are nervous in a setting like that, so you'll stick out as someone confident and sure of themselves.

    Good Luck!

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